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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in San Leandro, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Job Order Contract (JOC) is an indefinite quantity contract pursuant to which the Contractor will perform a variety of projects, consisting of specific construction tasks, at different locations. The scope of the General Construction JOC Contract is for general major maintenance, ADA improvements, repair, remodel, and other repetitive related work to be performed for the County of Alameda. The scope of work for the Contract will be determined by the Detailed Scope of Work issued in connection with individual Job Orders. The scope of work, for each project will be explained to the Contractor at a Joint Scope Meeting. The County will provide a Request for Job Order Proposal and Detailed Scope of Work for each project to the Contractor. The Contractor will be required to review the Detailed Scope of Work and develop a Price Proposal using appropriate tasks, quantities, and the applicable Adjustment Factor. The County will review the Contractor’s Proposal in detail and, if found to be reasonable and acceptable, a Job Order may be issued. The agreed upon price will be a fixed price for the performance of the Detailed Scope of Work. Contract Duration 365 Days The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive in the public interest technical or inconsequential errors or discrepancies in bids submitted. The Prime Contractor and all Subcontractors under the Contractor shall pay all workers on all work performed pursuant to this Contract not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for holiday and overtime work as determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations, State of California and by the Director of the U.S. Department of Labor, for the type of work performed and the locality in which the work is to be performed within the boundaries of the County, pursuant to §§1770 et seq. of the California Labor Code. Prevailing wage rates are also available from the County or on the Internet Contractor shall secure and pay for all permits, licenses, and certificates necessary for prosecution of Work before the date of the commencement of the Work or before the permits, licenses, and certificates are legally required to continue the Work without interruption. The Contractor shall obtain and pay, only when legally required, for all licenses, permits, inspections, and inspection certificates required to be obtained from or issued by any authority having jurisdiction over any part of the Work included in the Contract. All final permits, licenses, and certificates shall be delivered to County before demand is made for final payment. Time is of the essence for all work under this Agreement, including all Job Orders issued under this Agreement. It is hereby understood and agreed that it is and will be difficult and/or impossible to ascertain and determine the actual damage that County will sustain in the event of and by reason of Contractor's delay; therefore, Contractor agrees that it shall pay to the County the sum specified on each Job Order per day as liquidated damages for each and every day's delay beyond the time therein prescribed in finishing the Work. A bid bond by an admitted surety insurer on the form provided by the County, cash, or a cashier's check or a certified check, drawn to the order of the County of Alameda, in the amount of $25,000 shall accompany the Bid Form, as a guarantee that the Bidder will, within seven (7) calendar days after the date of the Notice of Award, enter into a contract with the County for the performance of the services as stipulated in the bid. The successful Bidder shall be required to furnish a 100 % Performance Bond and a 100% Payment Bond in an amount equal to the Maximum Contract Value if it is awarded the contract for the Work. If the Maximum Contract Value is increased, the Performance Bond and the Payment Bond shall be increased by the same amount. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents are to be directed in writing, including by e-mail, to County. Interpretations or clarifications considered necessary by County in response to such questions will be issued in writing by Addenda faxed, mailed, or delivered to all parties recorded by County as having received the Contract Documents. Last Day for Receipt of Questions March 22, 2024, by 5:00 PM 00 21 13 Instructions to Bidders



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, San Leandro, CA

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