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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Portland, Oregon. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This quote will be for the manufacture, storage, and delivery of one precast reinforced concrete box culvert. The quote shall include: The manufacture of one Precast Concrete Box Culvert according to the details on the attached plan sheets. The maximum weight per section shall be 36,000 lb. Joint sealant materials, shims, mounting hardware, and other incidentals. Engineering support and design services. Cost of storage at manufacturing site until contractor is ready for installation. Precast box culvert will be installed between August 1st and September 15, 2024. Cost of delivery to Project Site: NW Springville Rd, near the intersection of NW Concordia Ct and NW Springville Rd. Road Contractor will be responsible for providing equipment to unload the culvert. Manufacturer will coordinate with road construction contractor for delivery to project site. Prices bid shall be FOB delivery to the project site - NW Springville Road near the intersection with NW Concordia Ct. Delivery date will be between August 1 and September 15, 2024. Upon acceptance of quote, manufacturer shall provide shop drawings stamped by a Professional Engineer. Shop drawings shall include applicable design standards, material specifications, and details for storage, handling, lifting, and delivery. Question Submission Deadline:March 14, 2024, 1:00 pm Washington County will widen NW Springville Road between PCC - Rock Creek and NW Joss Avenue to 3 lanes. The widening project includes the replacement of the culvert just east of NW Concordia Ct. The County is ordering the culvert prior to advertisement, as lead times are very long. Quotes must contain a statement as to whether the bidder is a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279A.120(1)(b). The County may reject any quote not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all quotes upon a finding of the County it is in the public interest to do so. Washington County reserves the right to reject any and all responses and to waive any and all informalities in the best interest of the County. Respondents are solely responsible for ensuring receipt of their quote by the Procurement Division. Respondents must conform to the requirements of these quote documents and all related, applicable laws. The County does not intend to pre-qualify any respondents for this project. All quotes submitted for this project will be considered provided that they meet the criteria set forth in the quote documents with respect to submission in a timely manner, bonding, and all other applicable requirements. The County expressly reserves the following rights: To waive any irregularities in the quotes submitted. To base awards with due regard to price, delivery, compliance with specifications, and other such factors as may be necessary and in the public interest in the circumstances. To make awards to any respondent whose quote, in the opinion of management and the Board, is the lowest responsible quote. To cancel the procurement or reject any or all quotes, or selected portions thereof, in accordance with ORS 279B.100. Under no circumstances shall the County be responsible for, nor shall it reimburse, any costs associated providing a bid for this solicitation. To negotiate final contract terms and conditions to the fullest extent allowed by the law and as in the best interests of the County. Acceptance of an offer is subject to budget approval and budgetary constraints as determined by the County. 1. If necessary, interpretations or clarifications in response to questions will be issued by addenda. Questions received after the deadline to submit questions may not be answered unless the County determines, in its sole discretion that it is in its best interests to do so. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. 2. Any amendment(s) to or error(s) in the document called to the attention of the County will be added to or corrected by written addendum and posted to the Countys Procurement Portal. The County may also issue addenda to modify the proposal documents, as it deems advisable. 3. Receipt of addenda must be acknowledged. 4. Proposers shall be solely responsible to check for all addenda, if any, from the Countys Procurement Portal prior to submitting their proposals. Initial contract term will be one year, with the option to renew for up to a total of five years. The term of the contract resulting from this quote shall not exceed five years. The contract that will be executed for this solicitation will be a standard Washington County Contract, which may incorporate terms and conditions from this solicitation document, as well as from the responders response. A sample contract is attached. Potential responders should review this contract to ensure they can meet the terms and conditions of this contract prior to submitting a quote.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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March 15, 2024

August 1, 2024


NW Springville Rd, Portland, OR

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