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Site work for a civil project in Toledo, Ohio. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

This contract is for all labor, material, insurance, and equipment necessary for the Facility One Pump Station and Force Main Replacement project located at 3518 St. Lawrence Dr., Toledo, Ohio 43605, in accordance with the specifications, for the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority at One Maritime Plaza, Toledo, Ohio 43604. The project replaces the existing wastewater pump station that serves the Port Authority's Facility 1 industrial site and installs new 6" force main to connect to the City of Toledo's gravity sewer on Sinclair Ave. near Front St. The work consists of the following: installation of approximately 1732 feet of 6" force main, 42 feet of 14" steel encasement pipe (bored), 1 air release manhole, 1 force main valve vault, 1 manhole, 40 feet of 6" gravity sewer, 40 feet of 8" gravity sewer, 37 feet of 12" gravity sewer, and related valves and fittings; installing a new sanitary pump station; taking the existing pump station dry well out of service; converting the existing pump station wet well to a sanitary manhole; abandoning approximately 2,941 feet of ex. 10" force main; electrical improvements; and related restoration and erosion control items. Bids that are in excess of 10% above the engineer's estimate would be considered non-responsive. This project may be awarded by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority at its sole discretion. Electronic Proposals must be submitted on the form(s) included in Bid Express and shall be accompanied by a certified check or an acceptable Proposal Bond with satisfactory surety specifying the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority as the obligee, in the sum of not less than ten percent (10%) of the total proposal amount. Any bid may be withdrawn prior to the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids. The successful bidder will be required to submit a Contract Bond and Certificate of Insurance. The Port Authority's goal for disadvantaged business enterprise, minority business enterprise and women business enterprise (DBE/MBE/WBE) participation in the project shall be fifteen percent (15%), and bidder shall provide documentation of its ability to achieve that goal or, if the Port Authority's goal is not attainable by bidder, bidder shall provide an affidavit detailing why that goal was not attained. A bid that fails to meet this requirement will be considered non-responsive. The lowest responsive and responsible bid shall be determined in accordance with the Port Authority's Resolution No. 68-00 as found in the General Conditions. The Port Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any technicalities as it may deem best for their interest. The Port Authority also reserves the right to add or subtract from quantities shown in the proposal. Please submit all questions through the Bid service by Wednesday, April 3, 2024, at 11:00 AM local time. Questions submitted after the deadline will not receive a response.

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Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work





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3518 St Lawrence Dr, Toledo, OH

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