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Site work for a road / highway in Centreville, Maryland. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

PURPOSE Queen Anne's County is seeking information regarding interest from and qualifications of wired broadband providers to expand their network to Middle Mile areas. The County has solicited funding to support its Long Driveway Program, which assists with funding the construction of service drops to connect homes at the end of long driveways to the existing broadband network on the road. The County intends to establish a Middle Mile Program to provide service to residents who are ineligible for the Long Driveway Program due to their distance from wired infrastructure. Once Middle Mile is established in an area the Long Driveway Program funding will be used to complete the build to residents. BACKGROUND OF BROADBAND IN QUEEN ANNE'S COUNTY Based on updates to the 2020 Broadband Strategic Plan, the County has identified the following nine generalized unserved areas (see attached map): Ben's Point Corsica Hope Road Nesbit Road North Pondtown North Pondtown South Robert's Station East Roberts Station West Wye Island These will require approximately 21.07 miles (111,250 feet) of infrastructure to service the 138 residences currently identified. Additional service areas and residences may be identified in the future. The County understands how important broadband service is to the community. It is aware of the growing impacts of the current lack of broadband, recognizing missed opportunities from lack of access to new technologies for education, agriculture, public safety, and healthcare. The County is committed to bringing high-speed internet to all its residents. Project Information A map of the area that you plan to serve with roads you plan to construct highlighted. The ISP must be willing to offer service to every home and business in the proposed service area and can take advantage of the long driveway program funding to reach customers whose driveways extend beyond their standard build. Total route miles (all homes in the area designated to be served showing which ones the ISP will cover and which ones will require funding from the Long Driveway Program) Cost to build to the area you plan to serve Estimated amount that you can contribute to the project Number of potential homes and businesses passed by the proposed infrastructure Deadline for Questions Date: 5/1/24 Questions should be addressed to: Megan DelGaudio IT Support Manager or Mary Ellen Sheffield IT Office Coordinator Email: Phone: 410-758-6607


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Centreville, MD

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