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Published May 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Pavement Rehabilitation of Multiple Roadways A. This work shall consist of the preparation of a mechanically stabilized roadway base course composed of a mixture of the existing bituminous concrete pavement, existing base course material and a minimum of 2” of additional No. 2A aggregate. The manufacture of the stabilized base course shall be done by in-place pulverizing and blending of the existing pavement, base materials and a minimum 2” of No. 2A aggregate to establish the minimum required depths and widths as shown on the attached drawings. The process, which results in a stabilized road base course, shall be accomplished in accordance with these specifications and section 350 of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Publication 408 dated 2020. B. Pulverize the existing roadway structure to the full depth and width of existing pavement and existing subbase to establish a minimum subbase depth of 6” after adding a minimum of 2” of No. 2A aggregate. Before starting to pulverize, tests shall be made every 500’ to determine the depth of reclamation. Shape and compact the reclaimed material as shown on the contract drawings. Contractor is to reclaim all widths according to the field condition. C. Where necessary, existing subgrades will be modified (raised, lowered or modified) with additional aggregate to meet required design Specifications. A. This Contract shall include all general construction work completed as depicted and defined on the attached contract drawings and as specified in these Contract Specifications. Without intending to limit and/or restrict the volume of work required by these Specifications, this Contract consists of the following items of work: 1. Full Depth Road Repaving of May Hall Road, Cedar Lane, Skippack Creek Road, and Mill Road by excavating the existing pavement and placing a 6” of compacted No. 2A coarse aggregate followed by the construction of 3” of 25mm base course and 1 ½” of 9.5mm wearing course as shown on the attached drawings. 2. Installation of overlay 1.5" 9.5 mm Wearing Course on existing paved surface on May Hall Road and Old Cedar Lane as indicated on the contract drawings. 3. Mill Existing asphalt and Overlay 1.5" 9.5 mm Wearing Course in Old Cedar Lane and Mill Road as indicated on the contract drawings. 4. Construction of 2’ wide No. 2A coarse aggregate shoulders along newly paved roadways with full depth reclamation. 5. Permanent Pavement Markings providing solid double yellow centerlines, on Skippack Creek Road. 6. Rehabilitation of existing stormwater drainage facilities by the removal of five (5) corrugated metal pipe culverts and replaced with a HDPE corrugated plastic pipe culvert (120 LF) . In addition, two (2) new HDPE corrugated plastic pipe culvert (52 LF) is installed at the locations indicated on the attached drawings. 7. The construction of six (6) R-4 rock lined parallel ditches (1107 LF total), lined with Geotextile Class 4, Type A at the locations indicated on the attached drawings. 8. The construction of one (1) R-4 lined rock aprons on May Hall Road, lined with Geotextile Class 4, Type A, to the dimensions and at the locations as indicated on the attached drawings. 9. The repair of two (2) Headwalls on Skippack Creek Road at the locations indicated on the attached drawings. 10. The cleaning of four (4) existing drainage structures and cross pipes in Old Cedar Lane, Skippack Creek Road and Mill Road as indicated on the attached drawings to include the removal from the project site and the proper disposal of removed debris and sediment. 11. E&S Pollution control. 12. Maintenance and Protection of Traffic. B. These items are being undertaken to improve public safety and access and provide for the restoration of the deteriorated existing paved roadway sections and appurtenances of May Hall Road, Old Cedar Lane, Skippack Creek Road and Mill Road within Evansburg State Park. A. Scope of Work: 1. Make submittals as required herein and revise and resubmit as necessary to establish compliance with the specified requirements, all as described in this section or as otherwise requested by the Department. A review of the submittal requirements is performed at the Initial Job Conference. 2. An electronic copy of each submittal will be permitted by the Department. It will then be reviewed by the Department and returned to the Contractor. B. Related Work: 1. Any additional individual requirements for submittals are described in the individual sections of these specifications. C. Work Not Included: 1. Non required submittals will not be reviewed or returned by the Department. 2. The Contractor shall require his subcontractors to provide drawings, setting diagrams, and similar information to help coordinate the work, but such data shall remain between the Contractor and his subcontractors and will not be reviewed by the Department unless specifically called for within the contract documents.


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work




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Multiple Locations, Harrisburg, PA

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Pavement Rehabilitation of Multiple Roadways

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