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Published April 9, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a power facility in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a power facility.

The Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota (the "University") is requesting Proposals to provide professional design services for replacement of the turbine control panel at the SE Steam Plant, located near the Twin Cities campus (the "Project"). The intent of this project is to replace the existing control system for a 13,800 volt turbine generator located at the SE Steam Plant. The turbine is a backpressure, steam driven turbine, rated at 16.425MW. The SE Steam Plant (SEP), in conjunction with the Main Energy Plant (MEP), are the sources of steam and electricity to the University of Minnesota east and west bank campuses. SEP houses decommissioned coal fired boilers, dual fuel package boilers, a circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler, and a 16.4 MW backpressure steam driven turbine generator that is currently out of service. Steam pressure is distributed from the plant to the main campus distribution system through the Grid Integrated Community Energy System (ICES) tunnel. SEP is owned by the University of Minnesota, but operated by Veolia North America under a third party contract with the university. Management of the Veolia contract and coordination of operations is performed within the university FM Energy Management department. Veolia is responsible for maintaining reliable operations, maintenance, safety and security of the facility. SEP is fed by one Xcel feeder (MST78) operating at 13,800 volts and a second University source (MHP-13) originating at the University owned Main Energy Plant. Both services terminate on a 15 kV main-tie-tie-main switchgear lineup in Vault A, which is located inside the plant. The plant normally operates with one utility source closed and both ties closed to provide power to the plant. The alternate source is normally available with the breaker open. The SEP electric turbine operates at 13,800 volts. It is connected to the 15kV main-tie-tie-main switchgear lineup in vault A, through a dedicated vacuum breaker. The existing turbine control panel is being replaced due to an unsynchronized generator breaker closure. This event resulted in mechanical damage to the turbine. Subsequent investigations failed to determine the specific cause. 1. Phase 1: Creation of As-Built Schematics and Wiring Diagrams for Existing Control Panel. a. Completion - July 12th, 2024 2. Phase 2: Design Phase / Front-End Engineering Document - The design phase shall include the standard design phases: Schematic Design, Design Development, and Construction Documents. The Respondent shall include a construction cost estimate for all Work at the completion of each design phase. a. Completion - December 6th, 2024 3. Phase 3: Bidding / Procurement and Construction Administration a. Completion - To be determined during Phase 2 4. Phase 4: Closeout a. Completion - To be determined during Phase 2 Question Deadline 04/09/2024 at 12:00 PM CT Before submitting questions about the RFP via the Questions Tab, read and review the RFX INSTRUCTIONS, REQUIREMENTS, AND RIGHTS RESERVED BY THE UNIVERSITY DOCUMENT and ALL Attributes in the Attributes Tab. These provide valuable information and address frequently asked questions. Anticipated Authorization to Proceed May 1, 2024 The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Hydroelectric Power Generation


Public - State/Provincial


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May 1, 2024


600 SE Main St, Minneapolis, MN

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