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Saving Project...

Published June 25, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Macomb, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

Reference Number 0000347103 Professional consulting services to design, permit, provide pre-bid assistance, and prepare bidding contract construction documents for a pedestrian bridge. Question Acceptance Deadline 04/08/2024 03:00 PM EDT No pre-proposal meeting will be held for this RFP. Please contact staff indicated above with general questions regarding the RFP in writing via email. SCOPE OF WORK The successful consultant shall be MDOT prequalified for "Design - Bridges". Services will include all aspects of design and permitting, including but not limited to the following: Task 1: Site Investigation: 1. Perform a topographical survey of the project site from P.O.B to P.O.E., including streambed cross sections for hydraulic and scour analyses. Perform topographical surveying tasks as necessary for the preparation of civil engineering construction plans. The desired surveying services will include but not be limited to the gathering of topographical survey data for the project area and providing digital submissions. It is understood that the final work product will be a complete survey that will contain all known site features and will be ready for use as a base drawing for final engineering plans for all three phases and potentially future phases. a) Data collection: i. Topographic data for 1" = 20' scale plans. ii. Digital copies of all files used to generate the topography data (i.e. break lines, points and control files). iii. All Right-of-Way (ROW) lines and monumentation to be located and shown. iv. Location of all planimetric features within ROW, and 10' outside of the ROW v. Minimum of 2 on-site benchmarks, one on each side of the proposed bridge location shall be shown and described. vi. All (public and private) utilities shall be located (overhead and underground). vii. Overhead information shall include: location and type of utility viii. Underground information shall include: type of structure ix. location and type of utility size of structure; measured casting elevation; measured invert(s) elevation of pipe/top of pipe elevation x. All trees, 8" diameter and larger within the immediate vicinity of the proposed project area are to be located and include trunk diameter at breast height (DBH) and canopy diameter. xi. Datum to be in the Township's official vertical datum of NAVD88 and horizontal datum of NAD83 (Michigan State Plane coordinates, international feet). xii. Sufficient ground elevations for digital terrain model (DTM) generation for 1' contours, including around curb radii and through intersections. Curb ramps should have all 4 corners of the "level landing" and 10 adjacent flags of the walk transition located. xiii. Where there is the potential of utilities crossing the project area, obtain utility information outside the project limits (i.e. locate downstream/upstream sanitary manholes that tie into manholes within project area).


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - County

Paving, Site Work




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