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Published May 9, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Honesdale, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

Bids are being accepted by the Wayne County Commissioners for the Industrial Point River Park Access Project. This project includes: an ADA parking area, accessible routes, a composting restroom (comfort station), fencing, a picnic area, a boat launch ramp, benches, trash receptacles, a stairway, a river access drive, and signage. INDUSTRIAL POINT RIVER ACCESS PARK DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Honesdale Borough, Wayne County, PA a) Mobilization to the site and staging. b) Material purchase and installation of temporary erosion and sediment control measures per the PA DEP Chapter 105 permit and the approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. c) Demolition and site preparation for proposed project items. d) Material purchase and installation of the River Access Drive (including asphalt paving); including grading and adjacent grade returns per the drawings (Approximately 2500 square feet). e) Material purchase and installation of the 8' Wide Concrete "Riverwalk Trail"; including grading and adjacent grade returns and and applying (owner supplied) concrete stamps, per the drawings (Approximately 305 linear feet). f) Material purchase and installation of the 5' Wide Concrete Accessible Route(s); including grading and adjacent grade returns and applying (owner supplied) concrete stamps, per the drawings (Approximately 325 linear feet (from ADA space) and 250 linear feet (near parking lot). g) Material purchase and installation of the pre-cast concrete boat launch ramp; including grading and adjacent grade returns, per the drawings (Approximately 24 linear feet). h) Material purchase and installation of a new ADA parking area; including paint striping, symbols, and signs, and providing a finished pave surface that meets ADA standard surface grades. i) Material purchase and installation of the concrete Access Stairway, per the drawings. j) Material purchase and installation of the aluminum fence, per the drawings (Approximately 350 linear feet) k) Material purchase and installation of the 9' wide stone dust trail; including grading and adjacent grade returns, per the drawings (Approximately 265 linear feet). l) Material purchase and installation of planting and bench areas along stone dust path; including plantings and mulch, per the drawings. m) Material purchase and installation of the Picnic Area; including receiving sills from owner and moving them to site, all concrete work, all stone dust, all compacted gravel, all trees, all mulch; receiving concrete stamps from owner and applying them as described in drawings. n) Material purchase of all trees, topsoil, seeding, and other specified vegetation, (not including the trees specified for the picnic area); including lawn area and those specified in the planting plan. o) Material purchase and installation of a prefabricated composting restroom (comfort station) (single door, colors and finishes noted on drawing). p) Material purchase and installation of the Boot Cleaning Station; including the sign. q) Receiving, assembly, and installation of all owner supplied site furnishings and amenities; including the benches, picnic tables, trash receptacles and bollards. r) Material purchase and installation of required park & interpretive signage (5 total), per the drawings; not including the ADA parking sign and Boot Cleaning Station Sign.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Paving, Site Work





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April 26, 2024

May 27, 2024


100 Industrial Point, Honesdale, PA

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