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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Tacoma, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Pierce County is soliciting Request for Proposals from firms interested in providing on-call maintenance of restoration and mitigation sites. The consultant will support County staff in providing vegetative maintenance, invasive species control and plant installation services across a variety of Pierce County-owned locations primarily located in highly regulated wetlands, riparian and other sensitive restoration areas. Scope of Work The selected firm will have the technical knowledge necessary to complete the following services that may include, but are not limited to, the following: Provide expert technical assistance on applicable invasive species (primarily noxious weeds) control methods utilizing knowledge of plant life histories and life cycles. Prepare sites for native plant installation. Utilize manual, mechanical, cultural, and chemical means consistent with Integrated Pest Management plans, as appropriate for site preparation and maintenance. Conduct inspections to identify invasive species presence, extent of infestations and make control recommendations. Installation of bioengineering measures such as slope stabilization and erosion control best management practices under the guidance of County staff. Adherence to applicable federal, state and local permits as provided by County Staff. Seeding, mulching, amending of soils. The size of each site can vary from 1000 to 217,800 square feet or more. Bareroot, plug, live stake and container plant installation. The size of each site can vary from 1000 to 217,800 square feet or more. Mechanical mowing and/or brushcutting while avoiding native or installed plants. Installation of plant protection measures. Herbicide application in wetland, riparian and upland locations. Control variety of noxious weeds year-round, across different locations. Use of appropriate invasive species control methods to prevent spreading invasive species from site to site. Other environmental services related work as may be required by County staff. Contractor will be required to furnish all labor, tools, equipment, materials, incidentals, superintendents, subcontractor coordination and overhead to perform ecological and/or landscape improvements and/or maintenance in the service area of Pierce County. The sites are located throughout the Pierce County area and vary in size and complexity. Additional mitigation, restoration or future Capital Improvement sites may be added during the contract period. Background A strong emphasis is placed on invasive species management using minimally impactful manual control methods in environmentally sensitive wetland and riparian areas. Locations will typically be planted with native vegetation, so an awareness of native and invasive species identification is essential. Work will also necessitate the use of chemical herbicides in regulated aquatic areas and requires proper licensing and endorsements for aquatic herbicide application. The ability to use a multi-faceted approach is desired to achieve desired control outcomes. Question Submission Deadline: April 12, 2024, 12:00pm. All questions must be submitted electronically. Bidders must be registered online in order to submit questions, receive addenda, notifications and ultimately submit a proposal. Proposal Evaluation: Approximately three weeks after proposal submission deadline, proposals will be evaluated and interviews may be held if multiple proposers are deemed capable of meeting the requirements. Contact Information Stephanie Browning Procurement and Contract Specialist 2 950 Faucett Ave Suite #300 Tacoma, WA 98402 Email: Phone: (253) 798-6726 The initial contract period is anticipated to be for 12 months The County has the option of renewing for an additional One Year after initial contract is executed. The actual schedule will be negotiated with the selected firm based on consultant and agency staff availability and finalized scope of work. An evaluation team will review the bidding documents and evaluate all responses received based upon the criteria listed herein. The County may request clarifications or additional information, if needed. The proposer determined to be most qualified through the initial evaluation phase may be interviewed and the final determination will also consider reference checks and interviews. The County intends to select the Contractor most qualified for this pursuit/solicitation and begin the negotiation and award process based on the requirements of this solicitation. Selected Proposer(s) will be invited to enter into contract negotiations with the County. Should the County and the selected proposer not reach a mutual agreement, the County will terminate negotiations and move to the next ranked contractor and proceed with negotiations. A Proposer's inability to agree to the terms of the County's standard contract may be a basis for the County to terminate negotiations and begin negotiating with one or more other Contractors. The County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all submitted bids, to waive as informalities any irregularities, and to contract as the best interest of the County may require. The County may reject bids that are non-responsive or that are submitted by non-responsible contractors.


Conservation and Development

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Tacoma, WA

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