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Published May 21, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Tucson, Arizona. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

In accordance with the School District Procurement Rules in the Arizona Administrative Code (A.A.C) promulgated by the State Board of Education pursuant to A.R.S. 15-213, 41-2578 and 41-2579, and the School District Procurement Rules, sealed bids for the materials or services specified will be received by the Flowing Wells Unified School District #8, at 1556 W Prince Road, Tucson, AZ, until the time and date cited. Bids received by the correct time and date shall be opened and the name of each Bidder will be publicly read. Faxed bids are not acceptable. The district will not be responsible for the pre-opening of, post-opening of or failure to open, a bid not properly addressed or identified. Bids must be in the actual possession of the Flowing Wells Business Office on or prior to the time (based on the official District time clock) and date, and at the location indicated above. Late Bids may not be considered. Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope with the Bid number and the Bidders name and address clearly indicated on the outside of the envelope. All Bids must be written legibly in ink or typewritten. Additional instructions for preparing the Bids are provided herein. vendors are strongly encouraged to carefully read the entire solicitation document. The Business Services Office, to do the work required for the Owner's Project known as Flowing Wells Junior High School Building K Restroom Renovation. The Project will be completed in accordance with the Specifications prepared by DLR Group. The Owner intends to contract, if at all, with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder whose bid confirms in all material respects to the requirments of the bid documents, including the Specifications. "Responsive Bidder" means the bidder who submits a bid that conforms in all material respects to this Notice Inviting Sealed Bids, Instructions to Bidders and the Specifications which are incorporated herein by this reference. "Responsive Bidder" means the bidder who has the capability to perform the contract requirements and the integrity and reliability to assure complete and good faith performance and who submits the lowest bid. In order for the bid to be considered, bidders must comploy and submit the Proposal form, which is incorporated herein by reference. A certified or cashier's check or surety bond for ten percent (10%) of the Contract Amount proposed by the bidder must accompany each Proposal as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract to perform the work in accordance with the Specifications or as liquidated damages in the event of the bidder's failure or refusal to enter into a contract. The check or bond will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. The successful bidder's check or bond will be returned upon the execution of satisfactory bonds and a contract as described by the bid documents. It shall be mandatory on the contractor to whom the Contract is awarded, and upon any subcontractor underhim, to comply in every respect with the applicable provisions of the Arizona Revised Statutes and with all other requirements of the laws of Arizona applicable to contracts for the construction of public works for school districts. The bidder to whom the Contract is awarded shall furnish the Owner, within five (5) days after the award, satisfactory Payment and Performance Bonds in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Amount stated in the Proposal. Individual surety bonds are not acceptable. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals, to withhold the award of a contract for any reason it may determine and to hold any or all Proposals for a period of sixty (60) days. Any bid protests concerning this bid must be filed with the District Representative, who is Stacy Trueblood, Chief Financial Officer, Flowing Wells Unified School District No. 8, 1556 West Prince Road, Tucson, Arizona 85705 (stacy.trueblood@fwusd.org). The Owner reserves the right to waive any irregularities in any Proposal if such acction is determined by the Owner, in its sole discretion, to be in the best interest of the Owner.




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4545 N La Cholla Blvd, Tucson, AZ

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