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Published April 18, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Rock Island, Illinois. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

The City of Rock Island is requesting bids from contractors for a rehabilitation project at a house located at 1830 32nd Street. This owner-occupied property will be undergoing rehabilitation using Housing and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to ameliorate deteriorating and deteriorated conditions. All work shall be subject to HUD 35.930 and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations. Scope of Work The bidder shall submit a project plan using the design standards below that is in compliance with all applicable ARPA, EPA, and State of Illinois regulations as well as all local building and zoning codes. The plan must include a clear project timeline and budget with line item costs. The contractor shall act as the general contractor for the project using subcontractors as required. Subcontractors that will be required should be clearly identified in the project plan. This house will need a complete waterproofing system. It will need a sump pit dug in with an air tight sealed lid. Must have at least 1/2 horse submergible sump pump installed. This will need to be piped in PVC, a check valve installed, and discharged to the outside. There will need to be an electrical outlet installed to code at the sump pit location. Exterior penetrations must be caulked. There will need to be a tile or some sort of diversion system to direct the flow towards the pit. Currently there is steel beams installed to reinforced the south wall. Those beams must be left in place when designing the new system. The cinderblock walls will need a waterproof membrane to divert the water down into the tile system. This project needs to be done as if possible future basement finish will most likely be done. Building permit is required before work starts. Alternative specifications shall be considered only if they are clearly justified, cost effective, and meet all project objectives. The contractor shall have 30 days to complete the work from the date of contract signing. Change work orders over the course of the project are strongly discouraged. Bidder Qualifications & Requirements 1. Bidders must be currently licensed with the Illinois Secretary of State, bonded, and insured. 2. Bidders must have or be able to obtain all applicable licenses and permits in addition to meeting all local, state, and federal requirements to perform requested work. 3. Bidders must have and provide proof of General Liability, Vehicle, and Workers Compensation Insurances and name the City of Rock Island as a Certificate Holder. 4. Bidders must own or be able to rent sufficient equipment to complete the work. Preparation of Bid Each bid must be submitted on paper and delivered in a sealed envelope. Said envelope shall be clearly labeled with "ENCLOSED: 1830 32nd Street." The bid must clearly address all requirements as described above. The cost of the work must be separated into line items with individual costs in addition to providing a total project cost. Labor costs and material costs must be clearly delineated. The company name, federal tax ID number, Duns number, contact person, email, phone number, and a date with signature are all required as well.


Residential Subdivision


Public - City


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April 12, 2024

May 13, 2024


1830 32nd St, Rock Island, IL

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