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Published April 26, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and renovation of a fitness / recreation center in Carmel, Indiana. Completed plans call for the demolition of a fitness / recreation center; and for the renovation of a fitness / recreation center.

Question Deadline 04/25/2024 All bids and proposals shall be properly and completely executed on the proposal forms provided with the plans and specifications, which will include the non-collusion affidavit as required by the State of Indiana, along with a properly and completely executed Form 96 (revised 2013) prescribed by the Indiana State Board of Accounts which includes a financial statement, a statement of experience, a proposed plan or plans for performing the Work and the equipment the Bidder has available for the performance of the Work. The bid envelope must be sealed and have the words "BID - Monon Center Indoor Playground" on the outside of the envelope. A bid bond or certified check in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the amount bid must be submitted with each bid. The bid bond or certified check shall be made payable to Carmel/Clay Board of Parks & Recreation. A one hundred percent (100%) performance and payment bond will also be required of the successful bidder. It is intended that actual construction of all work divisions shall be started as soon as practicable, and each bidder shall be prepared to enter promptly into a construction contract, furnish performance and payment bonds, and begin work without delay in the event the award is received. A three year maintenance bond in the form contained in the Contract Documents will be required upon completion of the Project. The Project consists of, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: Construction of a new Childrens activity space within an existing building. Work included Demolition, construction of new spaces, finishes, electrical, preparation of spaces for work by others. In the event that the total amount of the contract awarded to the successful bidder is $300,000.00 or more, the successful bidder must be qualified under either Ind. Code 4-13.6-4 or Ind. Code 8 23-10 before performing any work on the Project. All out of state entities must have a certificate of authority to do business in the State of Indiana. Application forms may be obtained by contacting the Secretary of State, State of Indiana, Statehouse, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. The Board intends to award a contract for the Project in accordance with Ind. Code 36-1-12 et seq., to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder whose bid does not exceed the funds available for the Project. The Owner shall have the right to accept any alternates in any order or combination or accept on the basis of the Base Bid alone, unless otherwise specifically provided in the bidding documents and to determine the lowest responsible and responsive Bidder on the basis of the sum of the Base Bid and any alternates accepted. For special accommodations for individuals planning to attend the pre-bid conference or public bid opening meeting and in need of assistance, please call or notify Audrey Cooper at (317) 573 4022 or acooper@carmelclayparks.com at least forty-eight (48) hours prior thereto. No bidder may withdraw any bid or proposal within a period of sixty (60) days following the date set for receiving bids or proposals, and all bids shall remain in full force and effect during such period. Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation reserves the right to reject and/or cancel any and all bids, solicitations and/or offers in whole or in part as specified in the solicitations when it is not in the best interests of the Board as determined by the Director.


Fitness / Rec Centers


Public - City

Demolition, Renovation





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April 30, 2024

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1195 Central Park Dr W, Carmel, IN

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