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Published June 7, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fire / police facility in Lula, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

Hall County, Georgia, Board of Commissioners is seeking qualified contractors to replace the roof on Hall County Fire Station #6 (herein "Services"). The County seeks to award one (1) contractor to perform all the services. The County will make any extension of the bidding period by a formal written addendum and publicly post on the County. General Qualifications: Bidders must be in the regular business of providing similar services, be licensed, insured, and bonded to perform services in the State of Georgia. A Bid bond is/is not required but a Letter of Bondability is required. Bid Retention: Bidders may not withdraw their bid after the bid opening. Bids must be valid for one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days. The County reserves the right to retain all bids submitted and use any idea(s) in a bid regardless of award. The County shall have the right to waive any informality or irregularity of immaterial deviation in any bid received. All forms and documents are mandatory and must be completed and returned with the bid. Please sign Exhibit B - Contract for Services. The County reserves the option to reject any or all bids, in whole or part, or to select any bidder, without liability on part of the County to the Bidder to complete the described work. The County will award the contract to one (1) company to perform all work to the lowest cost, responsible and responsive bidder. Lead times and length of time to complete the services may also be a factor in award. The Bidder expressly understands that the County may reject bids for any reason. The scope of work for this solicitation is as follows: o Provide labor, materials, and supervision for the project. o Remove existing roof, flashings, coping, scuppers, etc. down to the metal deck and dispose of these materials. o Furnish and install ISO membrane over the existing metal deck. o Furnish and install 60 mil TPO roof system and required flashings. o Furnish and install new metal flashings, fascia, and trim. o Furnish and install new perimeter flashings and all new coping at perimeter walls. o Install two new scupper locations and provide collector heads and downspouts. o Provide labor for clean up after roof completion. o Provide 20-year NDL manufacturer warranty. o Provide a 2-year workmanship warranty. County Consultants. From time to time, the County may select an outside consultant at its sole discretion who will act under the direction of County's Project Manager. The consultant will have full authority to act on behalf of the County; however, the consultant may not solicit goods and services on behalf of the County without prior written approval from the County. Contractors MUST follow all specification sections prepared by the County's consultant, and Contractors MUST allow the consultant to inspect the work. Complete and include all the Mandatory Exhibit Documents shown below in 2.3. Failure to include any of the mandatory documents listed may result in bid disqualification. All responses must be in writing. Bidders must submit their response in a sealed envelope clearly marked with "IFB #040-44" on the outside. The submittal must be signed. Faxed or emailed bids will not be accepted. Follow these instructions carefully. Complete and return the following mandatory documents in your bid envelope. Exhibit A - Signed Contract Exhibit B - Bid Response Sheet Exhibit C - Cost Proposal Worksheet Exhibit D - W-9 Form Exhibit E - E-Verify Affidavit Exhibit F - Ethics Affidavit Exhibit G - Questions Copy of Business License Letter of Bondability Certificate of Insurance Bidders are responsible to review and comply with any addenda regarding this IFB posted on the County Website. Bidders must sign and return all addenda with the bid package response. All bids must be sealed. Any exceptions to specifications must be in writing and enclosed in the bid response. Bids openings are open to the public and bidders may attend, but they are not required to do so. All bids, supporting materials and correspondence relating to this IFB become property of Hall County when received. Bidder bears all responsibility for expenses incurred in responding to this IFB and such to be borne exclusively by the proposer. Bidders may submit bids to the following address by the deadline date and time. Bidders may deliver bids in person or send by FedEx/UPS/USPS/Courier to: Andrew Youngblood andrew.youngblood@hallcounty.org (770) 531-4940 Issuing Officer Hall County Government Center Purchasing Division - 4th Floor 2875 Browns Bridge Road Gainesville, Georgia 30504 NOTICE: Bidders are responsible for delivering their bids to the Purchasing Division on the 4th Floor of the Hall County Government Center before 2:00pm on the due date provided above. All bids must be time stamped by the receptionist on the 4th floor.


Fire / Police


Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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