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Published May 2, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a transportation facility in Tacoma, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility.

The City of Tacoma (City) / Tacoma Public Utilities (TPU) is soliciting bids to establish one contract with qualified vendors to fulfill the City's needs for Provide complete new domestic LEFT HAND, 115RE, insulated #7 turnout as shown on plan RAIL-02 (right hand for reference purpose). Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder(s) based on price, product quality and availability. Please provide lead time and freight. A. All rail, switch points (excluding tip), frogs, and guard rails shall be DOMESTIC, all other OTM may be foreign or domestic. Switch shall have Manganese Tips and Head Hardened 16' 6" Double Reinforced Knife Point switch points with Transit style clips and fixed heel blocks. Switch shall include all Turnout rails, Stock rails, and Closure rails. Must be 115RE Head Hardened Rail and include all associated screw spike plates, screw spikes and elastic fasteners (Pandrol Style) and 5' 0" U69 Raised Adjustable Switch Point Guard Rail Assembly (ahead of switch) or approved equivalent. Joint bars (6 hole) and bolts shall be included. Switch rods shall be equipped with lock washers and cotter pins. Switches shall come equipped with GB style switch point rollers designed for 16' 6" switch points and plates. Ensure compatibility with specific slide plates and switch point bolt patterns for proper operation. All mixed hardwood switch ties, in accordance with AREMA guidelines, shall be included. Insulated Turnouts shall include all necessary insulated 6-hole joint bars. Frogs shall be in accordance with Tacoma Rail Standard plan and be a No. 7 Rail Bound Manganese Steel Frog for 115RE HH Rail with screw spike plates, screw spikes and elastic fasteners. Frog shall be drilled for three (3) bolts to match the specified rail. Guard Rails shall be in accordance with 2014 AREMA Portfolio plan No. 504-03 (13 feet; with HH Rail) and fastened with screw spike plates and elastic fasteners. Switch stand shall be a new Racor Model 22-E with low banner and 45" tri-handle "Backsaver", and adjustable connecting rod (42-inches) and bolts with lock washers and cotter pins. The bolt hole in the switch stand, connecting rod and switch rods will all be the same matching diameter with matching size bolts. Mismatch of bolts and bolt holes will be cause for rejection. All switch bolts shall be designed for cotter pins. B. Please use No. 7 Right Hand plan attached to this specification for reference of LEFT HAND No. 7 Turnout. Submittals in response to a RFB will be recorded as received by a Purchasing representative. Final results are posted electronically. Project Scope: Vegetation Management Estimate: $60,000 Specification materials can be made available in an alternate format by emailing Gail Himes at ghimes@cityoftacoma.org, or by calling her collect at 253-591-5785. Additional Information: Requests for information regarding the specifications may be obtained by contacting Becky Lewis, Buyer by email to rlewis4@cityoftacoma.org. Question Deadline: 4/17/2024 3pm. Questions can be submitted to Rebecca Lewis, Buyer, via email to RLewis@cityoftacoma.org. Subject line to read: TR24-0085N - New Left Hand No. 7 Turnout - VENDOR NAME. Questions marked confidential will not be answered or included. Written answers to questions will be posted electronically. City response to Questions: 4/19/2024 Anticipated Award Date, on or about: 4/30/2024 The City Council or Public Utility Board of the City of Tacoma shall be the final judge as to which is the lowest and best bid in the interest of the City of Tacoma. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive minor deviations or informalities, and if necessary, call for new bids. Each bid for construction must be accompanied either by a certified or cashier's check for 5 percent of the total amount bid, including tax, payable to the City Treasurer, or an approved bid bond, by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Washington, for 5 percent of the total amount bid. The person legally authorized to sign the bid must sign all bid bonds. The approved bid bond form attached to these Specifications should be used: no substantial variations from the language thereof will be accepted. The check of the successful Respondent will be returned after award of the Contract, acceptance of the Payment and Performance Bond and City's receipt of the signed Contract. The checks of all other Respondents will be returned immediately upon the award of the Contract. Bid bonds will not be returned. No pre-bid meeting will be held; however, questions and request for clarifications of the specifications may be submitted as stated in the inquiries section. Question Deadline 04/17/2024 at 3:00 PM PT1 Questions can be submitted to Rebecca Lewis, Buyer, via email to RLewis@cityoftacoma.org Delivery shall be to the City of Tacoma, Tacoma Rail, 2601 SR509 N. Frontage Rd Tacoma, WA, 98421. Each vendor will be required to submit a delivery timeline they can commit to. Purchase order delivery dates will reflect this timeline. In the event a purchase order deliver date is not met, the City reserves the right to purchase these products elsewhere if they are in a time constraint. If constant late deliveries occur, the City may terminate the contract.


Transportation Terminals


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Site Work




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