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Published May 14, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Savannah, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

The purpose of this bid is to solicit competitive bids from qualified Contractors for the removal of existing carpet and tile, and purchase and installation of new J+J Signature II V5028 Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) flooring, color 1000 Notable, in the Chatham County Health Center. Equal bids may be submitted, but you must note the manufacturer, style, and color on your Bid Form. SCOPE_ The purpose of this bid is to solicit competitive bids from qualified Contractors for the removal of existing carpet and tile, and purchase and installation of new J+J Signature II V5028 Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) flooring, color 1000 Notable, in the Chatham County Health Center. Equal bids may be submitted, but you must note the manufacturer, style, and color on your Bid Form. Pictured literature and manufacturer specifications must be provided to establish that the flooring meets or exceeds these standards. The Chatham County Health Center is located at 11706 Mercy Boulevard, Savannah, GA 31419. Bid award may be contingent upon delivery time frame. For additional information concerning specifications, please contact ONLY Ms. Lynn Strickland, Procurement Specialist, at (912)790-1621 or lstrickland@chathamcounty.org. Bidders are not to contact any County Department directly. FLOORING SPECIFICATIONS: -Wear Layer: 12mil -Thickness: 2.5mm -Finish/Coating: Enhanced UV Urethane with Ceramic Bead -Pattern Repeat: Random Wood Pattern -Dimensions: 9" x 48" -Standard Adhesive: Commercialon(R) LVT Adhesive -Backing Class: Commercial Grade -Commercial Traffic: Light Commercial -Added Antimicrobial: Zinc Protective Technology (ZPT) -Indoor Air Quality: FloorScore(R) Certified -LEED v4: Contributes to IAQ Low Emitting Materials -End of Life: 100% Recyclable -Class/ASTM F1700: Class III Printed Film Vinyl Plank - Type B (embossed) -Radiant Panel: Class 1 -ADA Compliance: Compliant for Accessible Routes -Passed ASTM Testing: F2055 (Size and Tolerance), F386 (Thickness), F1914 (Residual Indentation), F137 (Flexibility), F2199 (Dimensional Stability), F925 (Chemical Resistance), F1514 (Resistance to heat), F1515 (Resistance to Light), E648 (Critical Radiant Flux), E662 (Optical Smoke Density), C1028 (Slip Resistance), and F970 (Static Load). - Contractor will be responsible for providing all materials, supplies, equipment, tools, and labor required to remove the existing carpet, tile, and the installation of new LVT flooring in the Chatham County Health Center. The Health Center consists of one (1) lobby, waiting area, storage room, conference room, reception area, break room, IT closet, lab, health check room, and fitness room, three (3) exam rooms, and four (4) offices and restrooms. INSTALLATION: A. Contractor will be responsible to install new LVT flooring, including any specific transitions or thresholds, such as those required for different room types or areas, needed. B. The LVT flooring shall be secured to the floor per the manufacturer's recommendations, and all seams shall be held to an absolute minimum. C. Flooring shall be installed wall-to-wall, and cut edges, especially those that will be exposed shall be true to form, as this significantly contributes to the overall aesthetic of the flooring. D. Special attention will be given to the installation around entry/exit doors. Contractor will ensure that the edges will not cause a tripping hazard. E. Contractor will be responsible for rolling the floor with a minimum 50-lb roller to ensure full contact of the flooring with the surface. F. Contractor will be responsible for all repairs during the warranty period. G. Contractor will be solely responsible for removing and disposing of all debris and completing a final cleanup of the areas. H. For stock purposes, the contractor shall provide 10% of the square footage of LVT flooring. Questions Due Date: May 3rd 2024, 4:30 PM EDT Pictured literature and manufacturer specifications must be provided to establish that the flooring meets or exceeds these standards. The Chatham County Health Center is located at 11706 Mercy Boulevard, Savannah, GA 31419. Bid award may be contingent upon delivery time frame. For additional information concerning specifications, please contact ONLY Ms. Lynn Strickland, Procurement Specialist, at (912)790-1621 or lstrickland@chathamcounty.org. Bidders are not to contact any County Department directly. Note* If a bidder is unable to submit their bid on-line, they should notify the procurement contact for the solicitation at least one week prior to the closing date of the bid solicitations to receive instructions. The County isseeking to conduct all of our bids on-line. The phone number for Purchasing and Contracting is 912-790-1618. Goals established for this project are 12% MBE/ 5% WBE unless otherwise specified. Completion- 45 calendar days

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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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11706 Mercy Boulevard, Savannah, GA

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