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Published June 18, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a road / highway in Winston Salem, North Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

General scope includes, but is not limited to: signal related work (wiring, installing signal heads, etc.), set two new wooden signal poles to run a new wire span, and install a new pedestrian pedestal. No roadway, lane markings, or sidewalk work is part of this contract. It is the bidder's responsibility to ensure their proposal is received prior to the deadline. The City reserves the right to waive any informalities and to reject any or all proposals. End of Question period is 5:00 PM, April 24, 2024. Questions must be submitted in writing to receive a proper response. This is a purchase and installation lump sum bid to be awarded to the lowest bidder. Contact Person: Darren Redfield: darrenmr@cityofws.org To obtain the complete bidding documents and/or instructions for submitting a bid, contact Darren Redfield at darrenmr@cityofws.org (preferred) or 336-747-6936 during normal business hours. 1. The Contractor shall coordinate, construct, and implement all traffic signal designs for the intersection of Country Club Road & Jonestown Road at the appropriate time as directed by the City of Winston-Salem Transportation Engineer. Prior to final construction and installation, the Contractor shall confirm all work with the WSDOT Assistant Director, Transportation Engineer, and the City of Winston-Salem Signal Operations Department. Prior to placing traffic in a new pattern, all traffic signals shall be installed and operational, including but not limited to, signal system timing plans and interconnection to the Winston-Salem Signal System, if required below. 2. To ensure the Contractor is not held liable for pre-existing conditions, the Contractor is required to report any defective equipment prior to beginning any signal work. 3. The Contractor shall maintain, monitor, and adjust the signals, both vehicle and pedestrian, as needed throughout the project construction. The Contractor shall be responsible for the design and implementation of all temporary signal designs, including but not limited to signal system timing plans needed to maintain vehicular and pedestrian traffic during construction. If necessary, temporary traffic signal designs and implementation, shall include, but not be limited to, new local controller, signal timing, cables, poles, signal span, controllers, cabinets, and / or signal heads. Prior to implementation, all signal system timing plans shall be reviewed and accepted by the WSDOT Traffic Engineer and Signal Operations Department. 4. Once responsibility for the traffic signals has been assumed by the Contractor, the Contractor is responsible for repair and maintenance of all equipment failures and malfunctions. The Contractor is required to begin these repairs within four hours of being notified. Repairs should be completed within eight hours. 5. The Contractor is required to have on standby an IMSA certified, or equivalent, Level II traffic qualified signal technician for supervision and emergency maintenance whenever is required on traffic signal controller cabinets and traffic signal controller cabinet foundations. 6. Throughout the project construction, the Contractor shall maintain full actuation of the traffic signals located within the roadway construction project limits, unless allowed otherwise by the Engineer in writing. 7. The Contractor shall incorporate all traffic signals on this project into the Winston-Salem Signal System and provide equipment that is compatible with the Winston-Salem Signal System. To connect sidewalk networks, the Contractor shall provide crosswalks and pedestrian signal heads for all approaches, as appropriate, based on field conditions and indicated by the construction drawings. 8. For existing signals, the Contractor is to assume ownership of miscellaneous traffic signal hardware and is responsible for proper disposal.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Site Work




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Multiple Locations, Winston Salem, NC

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