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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Braintree, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

Project Location: 71 Cleveland Avenue, Department of Elder Affairs, Braintree, MA 02184. The scope of work for Base Bid includes construction of a bioretention basin, installation of storm drainage utilities (pipes, structures and chambers), installation of bioretention basin plantings and site restoration. This work includes all labor and materials associated with installation of the bioretention basin, storm drainages utilities, bioretention plantings and site restoration including but not limited to grading of site, removal of excess materials, compaction and cleanup of the site. Every request for such interpretation should be in writing (typed, not handwritten) addressed to Braintree Engineering Department, 85 Quincy Avenue, Braintree, Massachusetts 02184, Attention: Engineering Manager, or sent via email to The required contract completion period for Base Bid is 120 consecutive days after issuance of Notice to Proceed. The estimated cost of this Base Bid is $250,000. The scope of work for Alternate Bid No. 1 includes demolition and reconstruction of the existing asphalt walkway surrounding the bioretention basin. This work includes all labor and materials associated with demolition and installation of an asphalt walkway. The required contract completion period for Alternate Bid No. 1 is 15 consecutive days in addition to the Base Bid contract completion. The estimated cost of this Alternate Bid No. 1 is $20,000 The scope of work for Alternate Bid No. 2 includes demolition and installation of new deep sump and hooded catch basin(s), with work to be performed if the existing structure is not suitable for reuse. This work includes all labor and materials associated with demolition and installation of new structure(s), including the structure(s) itself. The required contract completion period for Alternate Bid No. 2 is 10 consecutive days in addition to the Base Bid contract completion. The estimated cost of this Alternate Bid No. 2 is $20,000. Proposals must be submitted on the prescribed forms, enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing on the outside the bidder's name and address and "Bid for Elder Affairs Stormwater BMP, Contract No. SW24-2." and addressed to the Town of Braintree/Stormwater Department, Town of Braintree, 85 Quincy Avenue, Braintree, MA 02184. Bid Security in the form of a bid bond, cash, certified check, treasurer or cashier's check payable to the Owner, is required in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid, in The Instructions to Bidders, Form of General Bid, Agreement, Plans, Specifications, Performance and Payment Bond, and other Contract Documents may be examined at the office of the Town Engineer, 85 Quincy Avenue, Braintree, Massachusetts 02184. The Selected Contractor Shall Furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond in Amount at Least Equal to One Hundred Percent (100%) of the Contract Price as Stipulated in Section 00 72 00 General Conditions of These Specifications. The Owner's website may be updated, if necessary, with addenda, lists of a registered plan holders, reports and other information relevant to submitting a Bid for the Project. All official notifications, addenda and other Bidding Documents will be offered only through the Owner's website. Owner will not be responsible for Bidding Document, including addenda, if any, obtained from sources other than the Owner's website. Question Deadline 05/10/2024 at 4:00 PM ET Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goals and Equal Employment Opportunity policies of the Town of Braintree are applicable to the total dollars paid to the construction contract. The goals for this project are a minimum of 4.2% D/MBE participation or $9,818 and a minimum of4.5% D/WBE participation or $10,519. All DBEs shall be certified by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts under the provisions certified by the Supplier Diversity Office (SDO). Note that these DBE amounts are goals, not strict requirements. For all further requirements regarding bid submittal, qualifications, procedures, and contract award, refer to the Instructions to Bidders that are included in the Bidding Documents. By submission of a bid, the Bidder agrees that this bid shall be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of 30 days, Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays excluded after the opening of bids. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities in bids and to reject any or all bids.

Bid Results

Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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May 16, 2024

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71 Cleveland Ave, Braintree, MA

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