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Published June 27, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Midland, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

As of June 27,2024, project was awarded to Rolls Mechanical, but awarded amount is not available. PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project involves the engineering for mechanical and electrical systems for the replacement of the eight (8) heating hot water boilers and five (5) heating hot water pumps at Dow High School. The project also includes replacement of the boiler system separation valve, misc. ancillary equipment or piping as required to support the boiler and pump replacement, and updates to the boiler system controls. The existing domestic water tank and tube bundle will remain as is, connected to the boiler system. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work shall be to provide mechanical and electrical construction documents including specifications for permitting, bidding, and construction. Construction administration services are part of this proposal and are listed below. Bid Security A Bid Security by a qualified surety authorized to do business in Michigan in the amount of five percent (5%) of the Base Bid shall accompany each proposal or proposal combination. The Bid Security may be in the form of a Bid Bond, Cashier's Check, or Money Order. Personal checks are not acceptable. Work Timeline: The work shall start within one month of receiving a district purchase order and be completed October 4, 2024. The building's domestic water and pool heating water is supplied off a separate loop from the main building. The district will want to work with the successful contractor to keep one of the two boilers supplying heat to this loop running as long as possible. The domestic and pool system will need to be completed by August 19, 2024. No bid may be withdrawn, changed or modified in any way for a period of ninety (90) calendar days from date of did opening. Correspondence All correspondence/questions must be submitted by May 7th 2024, to ensure that an addendum can be issued. The Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject any or all item(s) in the bid; to accept or reject any or all bid(s); to waive any informalities therein; or for any reason, to award the contract to other than the low bidder. If a unit price or extended price is obviously in error and the other is obviously correct, the incorrect price will be disregarded. All bids shall be firm for ninety days (90) from the date of the bid opening. All bids must include a signed "Iran Economic Sanctions Act Certification" a "Familial Relationship Disclosure" form and "Compliance with School Safety Initiative Legislation" (enclosed with RFP documents).




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3901 N Saginaw Rd, Midland, MI

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