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Published June 14, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Concord, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

As of June 14, 2024, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for the award has not yet been established. The State of New Hampshire, Department of Administrative Services is seeking to establish a contract with a Vendor to furnish and install 55 cellular shades at 19 Pillsbury Street, Concord, NH. The Scope of Work includes the following at a minimum Furnish and install 55 cellular shades as described herein. o West Side 25 windows, South Side 12 windows, East Side 18 windows. See Attachment 1. o The windows are various sizes with most of them 40" wide by 60" tall. The Vendor is responsible to take all measurements. o The Vendor shall provide all required hardware and install all the shades. o The Vendor is responsible to move furniture as required to successfully install the cellular shades. o The shades shall be cordless with bottom-up operation. o The cellular shades shall be installed with inside mount brackets. o The shades shall be a good quality fabric, 3/4" single cell, light filtering. o The shades shall have an aluminum headrail and bottom rail color coordinated to the fabric. o The cellular shades shall have an interna cord lift system that prevents cords from tangling and or twisting and is gear driven for smooth operation and long life. o The cellular shade shall have a dust cover and end caps that are flush mount and color coordinated to the fabric. o The cellular shades shall also have push or pull handles to raise or lower the shades evenly. o The cellular shades shall have 5-year warranty with the Vendor repairing and or replacing the cellular shade if it becomes inoperable within five years of installation. Complete bids shall be filled out on the original documents and format that are a part of this bid invitation. Vendors may submit additional paperwork with pricing, but all pricing shall be on the documents provided with this bid invitation and in the State's format It is the intent of the State of New Hampshire, Department of Administrative Services to award the successful vendor a contract to Furnish and Install Cellular Shades at 19 Pillsbury Street, Concord, NH. The award will be made to the responsible Vendor meeting the criteria established in this RFB and providing the lowest cost. Questions shall be submitted by E-mail to Daniel Brennan at the following address: donald.m.perrin@das.nh.gov. Submissions shall clearly identify the bid Number, the Vendor's name and address and the name of the person submitting the question. The term of the contract shall be from July 1, 2024 or upon approval of the Governor and Executive Council, whichever is later, through August 30, 2024. Bid date notes: IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES EMAILING YOUR BID OR YOU WISH TO VERIFY THAT YOUR BID RESPONSE HAS BEEN RECEIVED, PLEASE CALL (603) 271-2201. Any questions, clarifications, and/or requested changes shall be submitted by an individual authorized to commit their organization to the Terms and Conditions of this bid and shall be received in writing at the Division of Plant and Property Management no later than 4:00 PM on the date listed in the timeline below. Questions shall not be submitted to anyone other than the Contact Person or his/her representative. Bidders that submit questions verbally or in writing to any other State entity or State personnel shall be found in violation of this part and may be found non-compliant All offers shall remain valid for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days from the bid due date. A vendor's disclosure or distribution of bids other than to DAS, Bureau of Purchase and Property may be grounds for disqualification Prior to being awarded a contract, the Vendor shall be required to submit proof of Comprehensive General Liability prior to performing any services for the State. The coverage shall have appropriate riders against all claims of bodily injury, death or property damage, in amounts of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. Coverage shall also include automobile liability and State of New Hampshire workers' compensation as defined by the State 5/2/2024 Last day for questions, clarifications, and/or requested changes to bid The State shall not be held liable for any costs incurred by Vendors in the preparation of bids or for work performed prior to contract issuance. The State reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any part thereof and add/delete locations to the contract. If an award is made it shall be, in the form of a State of New Hampshire Contract.




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May 9, 2024

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19 Pillsbury St, Concord, NH

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