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Published May 9, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Local time shall mean the time indicated on the Purchasing Division's computers as set by "Coordinated Universal Time -6 hours. Bidders are expected to examine the Solicitation, Statement of Work, Specifications, Instructions, and All Amendments. Failure to do so will be at the Bidder's Risk. All Manufacturers, Suppliers, or Contractors are encouraged to Bid on the Water Line Materials for the Water R & C Division. (d) If this contract is terminated, the City shall be liable only for payment under the payment provisions of this contract for supplies and/or services rendered before the effective date of termination. GP-13 Extension of Contract The City may extend the term of this contract up to ninety (90) days if mutually agreed upon by both parties in writing. GP-14 Ordering Any supply and/or service to be furnished under this contract shall be ordered with issuance of written purchase orders or other approved means by the City. There is no limit to the number that may be issued. Delivery to multiple destinations may be required. Any order dated prior to expiration of this contract shall be performed. In the event of conflict between a purchase order and this contract, the contract shall have precedence. GP-15 State and Federal Taxes Purchases by the City of Broken Arrow are not subject to any sales tax or Federal Excise tax. Exemption letters will be furnished upon request. GP-16 Contractor Invoices (a) The vendor shall be paid upon submission of proper invoices to Accounts Payable, P.O. Box 610, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74013 at the prices stipulated on the contract. Invoices shall contain the contract number (if applicable) and purchase order number. Failure to follow these instructions may result in delay of processing invoices for payment. The Company or Corporation bidding shall be the only office authorized to receive orders, invoices and receive payment. If the bidder wishes to ship or provide service from a point other than the address listed on the face of the bid, he will furnish a list of these locations. No ordering or invoicing will be done at these locations. (b) In cases of partial delivery, the City may at its option make partial payment, dependent on the dollar value, or hold all invoices for final delivery to be completed. GP-1 Definitions (a) ITB means Invitation to Bid (b) Release means purchase order issued against the specified contract (c) Solicitation means an Invitation to Bid (d) City means the City of Broken Arrow GP-2 Explanation to Bidders Bidders who need clarifications shall contact the Purchasing Division or the individual shown on the ITB. Oral explanations or instructions given before bid opening will not be binding. Any information given to a bidder concerning a solicitation will be provided promptly to all other bidders as an amendment if that information is necessary in submitting bids or if the lack of it would be prejudicial to other bidders. GP-3 Type of Contract This is a firm fixed price contract for immediate delivery and definite quantities for the supplies/services specified. Should this contract be for indefinite quantities it will be so stated in the contract. GP-4 Preparation of Bids (a) Bidders are expected to examine the solicitation, statement of work, instructions, and all amendments. Failure to do so will be at the bidder's risk. (b) Each bidder shall provide the information required by the solicitation. Bids shall be typewritten or written in ink and signed. Penciled bids will not be accepted. The person signing the bid shall initial erasures or other changes. (c) Any usage amounts specified are estimates only are not guaranteed to be purchased. (d) Unit price shall be entered on the form provided or a copy thereof. (e) If the supplier wishes to bid "all or none" this must be clearly shown on the bid. (f) Recipients of this solicitation not responding with a bid shall return only the "Statement of No Interest". GP-5 F.O.B. Destination All deliveries shall be F.O.B. Destination, Freight Prepaid. Destination shall mean the receiving dock located at 1700 W. Detroit, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74012 or other point specified within the City of Broken Arrow as specified in the purchase order. The City of Broken Arrow assumes no responsibility for goods until accepted at the receiving point in good condition. Title and risk of loss or damage to all items shall be the responsibility of the contract supplier until accepted by authorized City of Broken Arrow personnel. The successful supplier shall be responsible for filling, processing and collecting all damage claims. The City of Broken Arrow reserves the right to reject any bid that does not comply with the requirements and specifications of the ITB. A bid shall be rejected when the bidder imposes terms or conditions that would modify requirements of the ITB or limit the bidder liability to the City.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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May 28, 2024

June 28, 2024


N 4th St, Broken Arrow, OK

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