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Published May 21, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Show Low, Arizona. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

"Contractors must obtain a copy of the documents directly from the Engineer and be listed on the plan holders list to place a bid." TIMBERLAND ACRES DWID, located between APN# 409-10-056 and APN# 409-10-055, in Show Low, AZ 85901, will receive bids for the furnishing of all labor, material, transportation, and services for the project titled TIMBERLAND ACRES DWID PRESSURE TANK . Work will include construction of a pump building, pressure tank, electrical system, piping, meters, vaults and valves. The pumps will be installed in a timber frame construction building, with all piping, and electrical, complete and operational. The work will take place at the TIMBERLAND ACRES DWID, located between APN# 409-10-056 and APN# 409-10-055, in Show Low, AZ 85901. Each bid shall be submitted on the bid proposal form provided and in accordance with drawings and specifications on file at the IRONSIDE ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT, 911 E DEUCE OF CLUBS, SHOW LOW, AZ 85901, Questions must be submitted in writing to the Project Engineer at zachb@ironsideengr.com no later than 1:00 PM MST, June 4, 2024. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified cashier's check or commercial bid bond for ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid, made payable to TIMBERLAND ACRES DWID. Such check or bid bond will be given as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the contract, if awarded to him, and provide 100% Performance and Labor and Material Payment Bonds, of an A.M. Best rating of "A" or better and shall be declared as forfeited as liquidated damages if the successful bidder refuses to enter into the said contract after being requested to do so. Such check or bid bond will be returned to the respective unsuccessful bidders and will be returned to the successful bidder upon execution and delivery of satisfactory surety company bonds and construction contract. TIMBERLAND ACRES DWID reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to withhold the bid for any reason, or to waive any informality in any bid. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening thereof, and each bidder shall be a properly Arizona licensed contractor. The contract, or any part thereof, shall not be sublet to a subcontractor who has not paid taxes as provided by Section 34-214B of the Arizona Revised Statutes. All work shall conform to the latest edition of Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Uniform Standards Details for Public Works Construction; American Water Works Association (AWWA), and Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ). This project is funded by the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona (WIFA). Per the bid documents, the selected contractor will be required to comply with American Iron and Steel (AIS), Davis-Bason Requirements, the Civil Rights Act, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, and other WIFA contract requirements. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) are encouraged to apply. A Non-Collusion Affidavit as provided in A.R.S. 34-243 is required of all bidders, and failure to provide said affidavit is grounds for disqualification of bid. All contractors shall comply with all state, federal and local governing laws.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work




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