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Published June 26, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a multi-residential development in Olympia, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a multi-residential development.

The King County Housing Authority will accept Bids from Qualified General Contractors to furnish labor, materials and necessary equipment to perform boiler system upgrades as listed in the bid documents. Work will be performed in occupied spaces, and the Contractor must coordinate with KCHA during this process to ensure that the residents have egress and access and limited disruptions. The Contractor will be replacing, installing, testing, and commissioning (including but not limited to) the following items: Remove and replace Circuit Setters located in the boiler room, balancing each primary loop circuit setter valve. Provide test ports on each side of the valves and insulate. Rebalance valves to meet flow requirements. See M1.5 note 8 on the plans. Install insulation where missing in the boiler room to boiler loops and waterlines Adjust the Boiler reset schedule per note 2 on M1.5 on plans. Insulate air separator Demolish piping as needed and provide Y-Strainers at inlet to boiler pumps and hydronic pumps Reprogram pump VFDs to correctly respond to hydronic differential pressure sensors. Relocate hydronic piping sensor from inside the mechanical towards end of supply line. See sheet M1.4 on plans. Install new pressure test ports on each side of the primary loop pumps Provide a water loop analysis and chemical treatment plan. Relocate outside air temperature sensor and provide sun shield Reset and balance the flow control valves on every hydronic heater inside the building. Set flow rates per M1.1 on plans Verb all T stats and solenoids are in working order after balancing is completed. Provide all documents required in provided spec sections Prior to starting flushing and cleaning process, system shall be hydrostatically tested Flush entire system in accordance with spec section 232500 Chemically treat and refill piping system At the end of the job, provide KCHA with all testing and balancing reports or any other reports required per the specs Five (5%) Percent of the Total bid must accompany Each Bid greater than one hundred fifty ($150,000) dollars. Bid Bond or Certified Check will be returned to the Unsuccessful Bidders within Ten (10) Days after the Contract Award. Projects valued over one hundred fifty thousand ($150,000) dollars require a one hundred (100%) percent Performance and Payment Bond. (See Section C - Contract Documents) The King County Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informality in the bidding. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) calendar days subsequent to the opening of the bids without the written consent of KCHA. If you have questions regarding the application of the retail sales tax exemption to the King County Housing Authority, please call your personal tax advisor or the Washington State Department of Revenue Office toll-free for one-on-one help: Telephone Information Center 1-800-647-7706.

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June 25, 2024

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3948 Martin Way E, Olympia, WA

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