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Published May 31, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Anacortes, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

In accordance with competitive bid requirements set forth under RCW 39.04.155, Small Works Roster Contract Procedures, the City of Anacortes ("City") is pleased to invite you to submit a bid under the subject solicitation. Contractors who bid on this project must be registered on the City's Small Works Roster at website by the time that bids are due. The project provides for the replacement of approximately 2,750 square feet of roof on the Blue Heron water pump station, 301 Blue Heron Court, Anacortes, WA 98221, with a metal roof. The City of Anacortes, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. PRE-BID WALK-THROUGH: bidders are highly encouraged to schedule a pre-bid walk-through of the work site with the Project Manager, Brandon Krause at (360) 588-8071 or brandonk@cityofanacortes.org. No walk-throughs may be scheduled after May 24, 2024. CONTACT INFORMATION: Questions and requests for clarification of these Specifications may be submitted in writing by 9:00am, Pacific Time, May 27, 2024, via email to contracts@cityofanacortes.org or to Tiffany Matson, PO Box 547, Anacortes, WA 98221. Questions received after this date and time may not be answered. Any oral communications will be considered unofficial and non-binding on the City. Contractors should rely only on written statements issued by the City's representative. Responses to verbal requests for information or clarification will be considered unofficial until received in writing. Any questions received after the deadline may not be addressed. Questions will be held until the deadline and answered collectively. Questions marked confidential will not be answered. The City reserves the discretion to group similar questions to provide a single answer. BIDDER FAMILIARITY WITH REQUIREMENTS: Bidders must satisfy themselves of the accuracy of estimated quantities, specifications and contract requirements, by personal examination of any plans, specifications, all bid and contract documents, the site or sites or location of the proposed work, and by any other examination or investigation which they may desire to make as to the nature of the contract requirements or any difficulties to be encountered. The failure or omission of any bidder to do any of the foregoing shall in no way relieve any bidder from any obligation in respect to their bid, and the bidder shall not assert that there was a misunderstanding concerning the work or of the nature of the work to be done, or of the requirements of the contract. SCHEDULE: The work will be required to begin as soon as possible and achieve physical completion by November 29, 2024. PROPOSAL: Bidders are required to keep their proposal in the format provided herein as "Attachment B". Any exception to the specified work or equipment shall be noted as an exception to the Bid. It shall be the City's right to accept or reject non-specified work or equipment, without penalty. Price should include all materials, equipment and labor including prevailing wages, any applicable permit fees, freight, and sales tax. PREVAILING WAGE: Prevailing wages will apply to phases of this project. The State of Washington prevailing wage rates applicable for this public works project, which is located in Skagit County, may be found at the following website address of the Department of Labor and Industries website. Based on the bid submittal deadline for this project, the applicable effective date for prevailing wages for this project is May 30, 2024. A copy of the applicable prevailing wage rates is also available for viewing at the office of the City, located at 904 6th Street, Anacortes, WA. Upon request, the City will mail a hard copy of the applicable prevailing wages for this project. SUBMITTAL CRITERIA All bids must be delivered in the manorspecified herein. Bidssubmitted by Bid closing date and time must include: 5% bid deposit Statement of Bidder's Qualifications (2 pages) - Attachment A Bid Proposal signed by an authorized representative (4 pages) - Attachment B Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment Statues (1 page) - Attachment-C C Sealed Bid proposals must be delivered to: City of Anacortes City Clerk 904 6th Street PO Box 547 Anacortes, WA, 98221-0547 Proposals must be in a sealed, properly addressed envelope with the name of the Bidder and project/bid number and project title plainly written on the outside of the envelope, prior to the scheduled time and date stated in the Invitation to Bid. City offices are not open for special mail or other delivery on weekends and City holidays. The City shall assume no responsibility for delays in U.S. mail or delivery services, or for bids delivered to City offices other than the specified City Office. Bids received after the time stated in the bid will not be accepted and will be returned, unopened, to the Bidder. There will be no exceptions or waivers of this requirement. WITHDRAWAL OF BID A. Prior to Bid Opening: Any Contractor may withdraw their Bid prior to the scheduled Bid due date and time by delivering a written notice to the City Clerk. The notice may be submitted in person or by mail; however, it must be received by the City Clerk's Office prior to the time for Bid deadline. B. After Bid Opening: No Contractor will be permitted to withdraw their Bid after the time of Bid deadline, as set forth in the Call for Bids, and before the actual award of the Contract, unless the award of Contract is delayed more than ninety (90) calendar days after the date set for Bid opening. If a delay of more than 90 calendar days does occur, then the Contractor must submit written notice withdrawing their Bid to the City Clerk. DEPOSIT: Bidders must submit a bid deposit which is equal to 5 percent of the total bid amount in the form of a cashier's check, postal money order, or surety bid bond. If the bid deposit is in the form of a bond, the bidder and the surety must execute the bid bond provided in the bid documents. AWARD: It is the intent of the City to award a contract to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder. The bidder may be required by the City to submit documentation demonstrating compliance with the criteria. As required by Washington State RCW 39.04.350 and City of Anacortes Municipal Code, before award of a public works contract a bidder must meet the following responsibility criteria to be considered a responsible bidder and qualified to be awarded a public works project. BONDS: The contracted work will require the successful bidder to acquire a Contract Performance Bond and a Contract Payment Bond for 100% of the contract amount, furnished on bond forms standardized by the City Attorney's office, which will be provided with the contract for execution. On projects $150,000 and under, the Contractor can, in lieu of providing a performance and payment bond, request to have the City withhold 10% of monies earned on the project for a period of 30 days after final acceptance of the completed work or until receipt of all necessary releases from the Department of Revenue and the Department of Labor and Industries and settlement of any liens filed under Chapter 60.28 RCW, whichever is later. This exception is dependent on pre-approval by the City Attorney, and the City reserves the right to reject requests to waive the bond requirements. SCOPE OF WORK It is the intent of these specifications to describe the scope of work in sufficient detail to secure bids on comparable work. Any variance from the specifications or standards of quality must be clearly pointed out in writing by the bidder. 1. Work The Contractor will provide all materials, equipment, labor, and related items necessary to replace the existing roof and install metalroofing at the Blue Heron Water Pump Station with an area of approximately 2,750 sq. ft, in accordance with the attached Specifications, Drawings, and Contract Plans. Project to include: Retrofitting a standing seam metal roofing system over the existing roofing system. Repair/replace any deck. Replace gutters and downspouts. Replace all metal facia. Add roof ventsto code. Provide the City with a 30 Year NOL Roofing Warranty. Contractor responsible for all permitting and ensuring the building is completely leak free during installation. The bid price shall include everything necessary for the prosecution and completion of the services as detailed in the specifications including but not limited to furnishing all materials, equipment, supplies, tools, plant and other facilities and all management, supervision, labor and service, except as may be provided otherwise in this bid. 2. Work Hours Work will be performed during normal daytime working hours as well as at least one scheduled weekend. Any scheduled power outages are to be scheduled Friday after 5:00 P.M. with power fully restored by Sunday. 3. Workmanship Where not more specifically described in these specifications, workmanship shall conform to all of the methods and operations of best standards and accepted practices of the trade or trades involved. All work shall be executed by personnel skilled in their respective lines of work. Construction will be performed per the current City standards and codes. Only the best and safest methods of operation will be allowed. Any variance from the specifications or standards of quality must be clearly pointed out in writing by the bidder. 4. Manufacturer's Instructions All materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned, and conditioned in accordance with the instructions of the applicable manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, or distributor, except as otherwise specifically provided in the contract documents. 5. No Disturbance The Contractor shall not disturb grounds or materials outside the sphere of the contracted project. 6. Mobilization and Demobilization Mobilization shall be included in the base unit price for each work order and shall consist of preparatory work and operations performed by Contractor, including their personnel, equipment, supplies and incidentals to the project site. No separate measurement or payment will be made for costs associated with mobilization and demobilization. 7. Repair or Replacement The work shall consist of repair of any incidental damages to walls, moldings, electrical, flooring, landscaping, fencing, paved areas, top soil, turf, or other miscellaneous items within or adjacent to the project area. This includes complete replacement of items that are beyond repair as determined by the City. Should adjacent property be damaged in any manner, Contractor shall immediately contact the Project Manager. Contractorshall promptly repair damages caused to adjacent areas, rooms, facilities, property, streets, and sidewalks by construction operations as directed by the City and at no cost to the City. 8. Protection of Existing Utilities Identification and location of all underground utilities are the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall: a. Notify the Project Manager in writing, on each occasion, of the intent to work near underground utility services or structures. Submit proposed work "procedure for approval" to assure safe and continuous operation of the services. b. Proceed with sufficient caution to preclude damaging any utilities known or unknown. In the event unidentified utilities are encountered, the Contractor must notify the Project Manager IMMEDIATELY. c. In the event utilities are damaged during construction, temporary services and/or repairs must be made immediately, at the Contractor's expense, to maintain continuity of services. 9. Contractor's Responsibility for Fire Prevention and Protection The Contractor shall take the following precautions: a. The Contractor shall perform all work in a fire safe manner. b. Contractor shall supply and maintain on the site adequate fire fighting equipment capable of extinguishing incipient fires. c. Contractor shall comply with applicable Federal, local, and State fire prevention regulations. Where these regulations do not apply, applicable parts of the National Fire Prevention Standard for Safeguarding building Construction Operations (NFPA No. 241) shall be followed. d. Contractor shall provide passageways around the areas of construction to ensure safe passage of persons in the area. e. No part of the buildings may be left in an unsafe condition. If any danger is imminent, the contractor shall rope off or place barricades around the area and notify the appropriate authorities. 10. Waste Materials All refuse and waste material must be disposed of by the Contractor off the City's property, at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor must immediately clean up any spilled material from buildings, roads, etc. 11. Public Convenience and Safety The Contractor must so conduct operations as to offer the least possible obstruction and inconvenience to the public and shall have under construction no greater length or amount of work than can be performed with due regard to the rights of the public. The Contractor must provide and maintain such fences, barriers, directional signs, lights, and flag persons as are necessary to give adequate warning to the public at all times of any dangerous conditions to be encountered as a result of the work and to give directions to the public. Sound Control - If possible, limit sound during working hours. 12. Dust/Debris Control The Contractor must take whatever steps, procedures or means as are required to prevent abnormal dust and debris conditions being caused by the operation in connection with the work. Dust control must be incidental to this project and in accordance with Clean Air Laws. All areas where personnel are, or will be present during the course of work, shall be thoroughly cleaned of debris and garbage daily. Specific areas are adjacent buildings, walkways and parking areas.

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Water / Sewer


Public - City





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301 Blue Heron Ct, Anacortes, WA

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