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Published July 9, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The scope of this bid package: Procurement and installation of access control systems for buildings across the Comstock Public Schools district. This project includes installing new door positions sensors and cabling, demolishing existing inoperable door position sensors and cabling, reprogramming head-end access control electronics, installing new access control enclosures, and procuring and installing Avigilon concealed weapons detection systems. Project Location: a. Comstock High School, 2107 N. 26th Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49048 b. Comstock Middle School, 3100 N. 26th Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49048 c. Comstock Elementary School, 1423 N. 28th Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49048 d. Comstock Early Learning Academy, 6171 E. MN Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49048 e. Comstock Compass High School & Administration, 3010 Gull Road, Kalamazoo, MI 49048 Question Deadline: 05/29/2024 at 5:00 PM ET , Requests for clarification or interpretation of the Bidding Documents shall be submitted by the Bidder in writing and shall be received by the Designer addressed to ecain@aetech.design. SCHEDULE A. The work will be started as soon as the awarded contractor is able to, with desired completion by 8/20/2024. Bidders must be properly licensed under the laws governing their respective trades and be able to obtain insurance and bonds required for the Work. A Performance Bond, separate Labor and Material Payment Bond, and Insurance in a form acceptable to Owner will be required of the successful Bidder. Each Bid shall be accompanied by a bid security in the amount of five percent (5%) of the Base Bid. Bid security may be in the form of a Bid Bond, Certified Check, or Cashier's Check. A bona fide digital copy of the bid security must be included with the bid response. Both a Performance and a Payment Bond will be required, each in an amount equal to 100 percent of the Contract Sum. Bid security shall be submitted with each bid in the amount of five percent of the bid amount. No bids may be withdrawn for a period of sixty days after opening of bids. Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive informalities and irregularities. Addenda will be issued no later than May 31st, 2024, except an Addendum withdrawing the request for Bids or one which includes postponement of the date for receipt of Bids. The work may be awarded to a single prime contractor. This contractor may use subcontractors to provide a complete solution. The work may also be awarded to multiple contractors. All approaches will be considered by the owner, based on the owners' best interests.The work may be awarded to a single prime contractor. This contractor may use subcontractors to provide a complete solution. The work may also be awarded to multiple contractors. All approaches will be considered by the owner, based on the owners' best interests.




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June 7, 2024

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Multiple Locations, Kalamazoo, MI

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