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Published June 12, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
W912EE - Indefinite Delivery Type (IDT) Contract for Miscellaneous Design Services within the Mississippi Valley Division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This pre-solicitation Notice is for interested firms to submit their SF-330 by June 17, 2024, 1600 hours, CST. Firms will be selected for negotiation based on their demonstrated competence and qualifications for the required work. This is not a Request for Proposal. 1. CONTRACT INFORMATION: This procurement is being offered on an unrestricted basis with a reserve pool for small businesses, under NAICS code 541330 - Engineering Services. The small business size standard for NAICS code 541330 is $25.5M. Up to six (6) Indefinite-Delivery, Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ), Multiple Award Task Order Contracts (MATOC) may be negotiated and awarded as a result of this solicitation. Pursuant to EP 715-1-7, depending on the forecasted workload, MVK may at its discretion choose to award only (4) contracts, including (1) large business with a pool of three (3) contracts reserved for small business, and award (2) additional contracts to large businesses within one year of the solicitation, if determined necessary by the Contracting Officer. Each contract will have a performance period of five (5) years from the date of contract award. The MATOC will have a cumulative capacity of $49 million. The ordering period will extend for (5) years from the date of contract award or exhaustion of the cumulative MATOC capacity, whichever occurs first. The Government obligates itself to a minimum guaranteed amount of $1,000.00, to each contract awarded within the MATOC. The work will be accomplished primarily within the limits of the Vicksburg District (MVK), or Memphis District (MVM), but may also be used to accomplish work within the geographical boundaries or mission locations (CONUS or OCONUS) of any of the 6 Districts of the Mississippi Valley Division (MVD). Work will be issued by negotiated firm fixed-price or labor-hour task orders. Allocation of task orders will be based on specialized experience, past performance, project schedules, and/or current workload. Task Orders may be issued by the Vicksburg District (MVK) or the Memphis District (MVM). On a limited basis, capacity from the MATOC may be provided to any of the 6 Districts of the Mississippi Valley Division (MVD). Contract award is anticipated on or before November 2024. 2. PROJECT INFORMATION: A-E service capabilities are required for various civil works projects and support for other agencies. Work may be comprised of, and professional design experience and registration is required in civil, structural, hydraulic, hydrologic, geotechnical, environmental, sanitary, electrical, and mechanical engineering and surveying, mapping, CAD, architecture, and cost estimating. Work may include but is not limited to engineering support for feasibility studies, preparation of design reports, value engineering, preparation of conceptual and contract drawings, computer aided drafting, cost estimating, preparation of contract specifications, performing design analyses, water distribution analyses, roadway rehabilitation, wastewater treatment plant, sewer improvement projects, vertical projects, preparing design-build request for proposals and obtaining geotechnical subsurface information including borings, cone penetrometer tests (CPTs) and laboratory testing. Work related to construction activities may include excavation, placement of embankment, construction of reinforced concrete structures, fabrication of steel assemblies such as pumps and gates, and construction of mechanical and electrical systems. Work shall be accomplished in English and/or metric units as directed. Capability and experience are required for design of flood damage reduction projects including channels, levees, weirs, grade control structures, drainage structures (pipes and culverts), gated structures, floodwalls and pump stations, water supply and storage, wastewater treatment and distributions systems; and other projects including channel stabilization, site development, multipurpose buildings in support to the District and its assigned DOD missions. Firms must demonstrate experience in presenting project details and/or study results using the Autodesk and Bentley MicroStation Suite of CAD and Drafting Software, HEC suite of modeling software, GIS tools, Geostudio Slope/W and Seep/W to present project details and/or study results. Three-dimensional models may be required. Development of Building Information Models (BIM) may also be required. Subcontracting guidelines referenced in FAR 19.505(b)(1)(i) shall be followed. Firms must demonstrate their ability to perform at least 50% of the work pursuant to FAR 19.505(b)(1)(i), on multiple projects involving the required disciplines referenced in the PROJECT INFORMATION paragraph, with experience in the items listed below. 3. SELECTION CRITERIA: Selection criteria will be based on the following considerations and are listed in descending order of importance (first by major criterion and then by each sub-criterion). Criteria A through E are primary. Criteria F and G are secondary and will only be used as a "tie-breaker," if necessary, in ranking the most highly qualified firms. The firm (either in house or through association with a qualified consultant(s)) must demonstrate: A. Specialized Experience and Technical Competence: Demonstrate experience in site exploration, including surveying, geotechnical investigations and reports Demonstrate experience in Hydrology and Hydraulics engineering and design services utilizing software mentioned under PROJECT INFORMATION above. Demonstrate experience in reservoir regulation, water and sediment quality engineering and design services Demonstrate experience in structural design in compliance with the following: EM 1110-2-2000 Standard Practice for Concrete for Civil Works Structures (March 2001) EM 1110-2-2100 Stability Analysis of Concrete Structures (December 2005) EM 1110-2-2104 Strength Design Criteria for Reinforced Concrete Hydraulic Structures (November 2016) ETL 1110-2-584 Design of Hydraulic Steel Structures (June 14) EM 1110-2-2502 Floodwalls and other Hydraulic Retaining Walls (August 2022) EM 1110-2-2906 Design of Pile Foundations (January 1991) Demonstrate experience in designing civil works projects, such as levees, dams, etc. in compliance with the following: EM 1110-2-1901, Seepage Analysis and Control for Dams (April 1993) EM 1110-2-1902, Slope Stability (October 2003) EM 1110-2-1913, Design and Construction of Levees (April 2000) EM 1110-1-1904, Settlement Analysis (September 1990) EM 1110-1-1905, Bearing Capacity of Soils (October 1992) TM 3-424, Investigation of Underseepage and its Control (Oct 56) Demonstrate experience in designing navigation related projects Demonstrate experience in designing large complex structures, such as pumping plants, locks, etc. EM 1110-2-2602, Planning and Design of Navigation Locks (September 1995) EM 1110-2-2610, Mechanical and Electrical Design for Lock and Dam Operating Equipment (June 2013) Demonstrate experience in vertical design projects, including architecture, fire protection and interior design. Demonstrate experience in design of water supply and storage, wastewater treatment and distributions systems and maintenance and repair of these systems. List no more than 10 projects that best illustrate current qualifications, relevant project experience and technical competence of the firm and consultants in the work described under PROJECT INFORMATION above. B. Professional qualifications: The firm must employ qualified registered professional personnel in the following key disciplines: civil engineering, structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, hydraulic engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, construction engineering, fire protection engineering, environmental engineering, architecture, and surveying. The firm must indicate professional registration and work experience of key personnel. The firm should emphasize professional registration, advanced degrees, and specific work experience of key personnel. The selected firm should also indicate adequate management personnel with required qualifications and experience to assure prompt response to assignments. C. Capacity: The firm should indicate the ability to perform numerous projects at the same time regardless of unexpected equipment breakdowns, and/or personnel problems; and complete work in a timely manner. D. Knowledge of the Locality: Locality refers to geological features, climatic conditions or local construction methods that are unusual or unique. E. Past Performance: Performance evaluations on previous contracts with Government agencies, including DOD, and private industry in terms of cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules will be considered. Additional consideration will also be given to firms that have above average performance evaluations in the type of work described in (A) above. F. Extent of participation of SB, SDB, historically black colleges and universities (HBCU) and minority institutions (MI) in the contract team. Participation will be measured as a percentage of the total anticipated contract effort, regardless of whether the SB, SDB, HBCU or MI is a prime contractor, subcontractor, or joint venture partner, the greater the participation, the greater the consideration. G. Equitable distribution of DoD Contracts. Volume of DoD A-E contract awards in the last 12 months, with the objective of effecting an equitable distribution of DoD A-E contracts among qualified firms, including SB and SDB. Firms should cite all contract numbers, award dates and total negotiated fees for any DOD contract awarded within the last 12 months. Include delivery orders awarded your firm by DOD agencies within the last 12 months under indefinite delivery type contracts. Modifications to contracts or task orders that were awarded prior to the last 12 months need not be listed. 4. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Interested firms having the capabilities for this work must submit one electronic copy (in PDF format) of the SF-330 along with a signed copy of the SF-330 part II for each prime and sub-consultant to:, with a copy provided to Lawren Boolos at no later than 1600 hours, CST, on June 17, 2024. Include both the solicitation number and the company's Unique Entity ID (UEI) number on all submittals. Include UEI numbers in Block 9 for all firms listed in the SF-330. Note the following restrictions on SF-330 submittals: Block E - Resumes of key personnel, specialist and individual consultants anticipated for this project will be limited to a maximum of 20 pages (one side); Block H - Additional information will be limited to a maximum of 20 pages (one side). Pages in excess of the maximum of 20 will be discarded and not used in evaluation. APPOINTMENTS WILL NOT BE SCHEDULED TO DISCUSS THIS ANNOUNCEMENT. This is not a Request for Proposal. A price proposal will be requested at a later date. ****NOTE: Contractors must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM). For information see http: 5. INQUIRIES SUBMISSION: PRE-SOLICITATION NUMBER: W912EE24O0003 ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED VIA PROJNET. TECHNICAL INQUIRIES AND QUESTIONS RELATING TO THIS SOLICITATION ARE TO BESUBMITTED VIA BIDDER INQUIRY IN PROJNET AT (HTTPS://WWW.PROJNET.ORG). BIDDERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO SUBMIT QUESTIONS 5 DAYS PRIOR TO SF330 SUBMITTAL IN ORDER TO ENSURE ADEQUATE TIME IS ALLOTTED TO FORM AN APPROPRIATE RESPONSE AND AMEND THE SOLICITATION, IF NECESSARY. TO SUBMIT AND REVIEW INQUIRY ITEMS, PROSPECTIVE VENDORS WILL NEED TO USE THE BIDDER INQUIRY KEY PRESENTED BELOW AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS LISTED BELOW THE KEY FOR ACCESS. A PROSPECTIVE VENDOR WHO SUBMITS A COMMENT /QUESTION WILL RECEIVE AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THEIR COMMENT/QUESTION VIA EMAIL, FOLLOWED BY AN ANSWER TO THE COMMENT/QUESTION AFTER IT HAS BEEN PROCESSED BY OUR TECHNICAL TEAM. ALL TIMELY QUESTIONS AND APPROVED ANSWERS WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE THROUGH PROJNET. APPROVED ANSWERS TO ALL TIMELY QUESTIONS WILL ALSO BE POSTED ON THE FEDBIZOPS IN THE FORM OF A REPORT GENERATED FROM PROJNET AS SOON AS THE COMMENT/QUESTION ENTERING PERIOD IS OVER AND ALL ANSWERS ARE ALL FINALIZED. THE PRE-SOLICITATION NUMBER IS: W912EE24O0003 THE BIDDER INQUIRY KEY IS: 4EQEVI-4EWD3H SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROJNET BID INQUIRY ACCESS: 1. FROM THE PROJNET HOME PAGE LINKED ABOVE, CLICK ON QUICK ADD ON THE UPPER RIGHT SIDE OF THE SCREEN. 2. IDENTIFY THE AGENCY. THIS SHOULD BE MARKED AS USACE. 3. KEY. ENTER THE BIDDER INQUIRY KEY LISTED ABOVE. 4. EMAIL. ENTER THE EMAIL ADDRESS YOU WOULD LIKE TO USE FOR COMMUNICATION. 5. CLICK CONTINUE. A PAGE WILL THEN OPEN SAYING THAT A USER ACCOUNT WAS NOT FOUND AND WILL ASK YOU TO CREATE ONE USING THE PROVIDED FORM. 6. ENTER YOUR FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, COMPANY, CITY, STATE, PHONE, EMAIL, SECRET QUESTION, SECRET ANSWER, AND TIME ZONE. MAKE SURE TO REMEMBER YOUR SECRET QUESTION AND ANSWER AS THEY WILL BE USED FROM THIS POINT ON TO ACCESS THE PROJNET SYSTEM. 7. CLICK ADD USER. ONCE THIS IS COMPLETED YOU ARE NOW REGISTERED WITHIN PROJNET AND ARE CURRENTLY LOGGED INTO THE SYSTEM. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE PROJNET BID INQUIRY ACCESS: 1. FOR FUTURE ACCESS TO PROJNET, YOU WILL NOT BE EMAILED ANY TYPE OF PASSWORD. YOU WILL UTILIZE YOUR SECRET QUESTION AND SECRET ANSWER TO LOG IN. 2. FROM THE PROJNET HOME PAGE LINKED ABOVE, CLICK ON QUICK ADD ON THE UPPER RIGHT SIDE OF THE SCREEN. 3. IDENTIFY THE AGENCY. THIS SHOULD BE MARKED AS USACE. 4. KEY. ENTER THE BIDDER INQUIRY KEY LISTED ABOVE. 5. EMAIL. ENTER THE EMAIL ADDRESS YOU USED TO REGISTER PREVIOUSLY IN PROJNET. 6. CLICK CONTINUE. A PAGE WILL THEN OPEN ASKING YOU TO ENTER THE ANSWER TO YOUR SECRET QUESTION. 7. ENTER YOUR SECRET ANSWER AND CLICK LOGIN. ONCE THIS IS COMPLETED YOU ARE NOW LOGGED INTO THE SYSTEM. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time
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