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Published June 3, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Concord, New Hampshire. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The purpose of this bid invitation is to establish a contract for supply and delivery of Bridge Materials, Miscellaneous to the State of New Hampshire with product list and requirements indicated in the Scope of Work and Offer sections of this bid invitation, in accordance with the requirements of this bid invitation and any resulting contract Scope of Work: Vendor shall supply all labor, tools, transportation, materials, equipment and permits as necessary and required to perform services as described herein. Make deliveries in accordance with the delivery days and timeframes set forth herein, except on holidays or at other times when the State is closed, including, but not limited to, inclement weather. All references to the time of day are Eastern Time (ET). Delivery shall be made as ordered and in accordance with the terms specified herein. Unless otherwise specified by the State in writing, delivery shall be to a loading dock or receiving platform or other State location as specified by the requesting Agency. The burden of proof of proper receipt of the order shall rest with the Contractor. All offered products must be as specified or on the NHDOT Qualified Product List Qualified Products List per Section 106.04 of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction dated 5/27/2021 or online Products appearing on this list have been pre-qualified by the Department for general use. Unless noted otherwise, these products may be used on Highway and Bridge projects under the Section / Item Number indicated, without further testing. Products that are listed with an EXPIRATION DATE are only qualified for use through that date. A Certificate of Compliance (COC) is required for products on the Qualified Products List per Section 106.04 of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. A product that falls into one of these categories and is not listed shall not be used, unless qualified through written request to the NHDOT, Bureau of Materials & Research, Product Evaluation Unit Supervisor. Such requests shall be made with sufficient lead-time to allow for any necessary testing and/or research. Products shall conform to NH Code of Administrative Rules, Chapter Env-A 4200 Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coatings (available from the NH Department of Environmental Services), and all other State and Federal regulations related to safety or the environment that are in effect at the time of use. Inclusion of a product on this list does not imply that the product meets all regulations. The manufacturer's Safety Data Sheet (SDS, formerly, MSDS) should be referred to before use of any product appearing on this list. Unless denoted otherwise in the plans or specifications, manufacturer recommendations regarding use, preparation, application, coverage, and shelf life for all products appearing on this list, shall be adhered to. All orders shall be inspected and accepted by the State authorized representative by signing and dating the Contractor's delivery ticket. Delivery ticket must include date of delivery, location of delivery, itemized by product description, product number, and quantity delivered at a minimum. Unless otherwise specified herein, all services/deliveries performed under this Contract(s) shall be performed between the hours of 7:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. for State business days, unless other arrangements are made in advance with the State. Any deviation in work hours shall be pre-approved by the Contracting Officer. The State requires ten-day advance knowledge of said work schedules to provide security and access to respective work areas. No premium charges shall be paid for any off-hour work. The Vendor or their personnel shall not represent themselves as employees or agents of the State. While on State property, employees shall be subject to the control of the State, but under no circumstances shall such persons be deemed to be employees of the State. All personnel shall observe all regulations or special restrictions in effect at the State Agency. If You Are Experiencing Difficulties Emailing Your Bid or You Wish to Verify That Your Bid Response Has Been Received, Please Call (603) 271-2201. Question Deadline 05/31/2024 at 4:00 PM ET Any questions, clarifications, and/or requested changes shall be submitted by an individual authorized to commit their organization to the Terms and Conditions of this bid and shall be received in writing at the Bureau of Purchase and Property. Questions shall not be submitted to anyone other than the Purchasing Agent or his/her representative. Questions shall be submitted by email to Liz Moskalenko at Elizabeth.A.Moskalenko@DAS.NH.Gov . In the event it becomes necessary to add to or revise any part of this bid prior to the scheduled submittal date, the NH Bureau of Purchase and Property shall post online any Addenda. Before your submission and periodically prior to the RFB closing, Vendors are required to check online for any addenda or other materials that may have been issued affecting the bid. The term of the contract shall commence on November 1, 2024, or upon approval of the Governor and Executive Council, whichever is later, through October 31, 2029, a period of approximately five (5) years. The award shall be made to the Vendor meeting the criteria established in this RFB and providing the lowest cost by completed section. The State reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any part thereof and add/delete items/locations to the contract. All award(s) shall be, in the form of a State of New Hampshire Contract. Successful Vendor shall not be allowed to require any other type of order, nor shall the successful Vendor be allowed to require the filling out or signing of any other document by State of New Hampshire personnel. Bid results may also be viewed online.


Bridges / Tunnels

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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June 3, 2024

November 1, 2024


Multiple Locations, Concord, NH

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