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Published July 4, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000270758 The Services required under this Contract shall consist of the following: (a) With an objective to build capacity for non-profit organizations providing services in the area, enhance community resiliency, and generate a more socially, culturally and economically sustainable approach to service provision in an area of high poverty the Contractor shall: (i) Bring together the facility stakeholders but not limited to those identified in D3.1(b)(ii)(ii), including relevant City Departments, such as Parks and Open Space, Community Services, and Municipal Accommodations in order to: (i) conduct a needs assessment and to develop a new operating model of the Freight House facility and surrounding community assets; and (ii) enhance access to services and programs for low-income, newcomer, refugee, and Indigenous residents. b) Project management, research and analysis, and public engagement in accordance with the following: (1) Needs Assessment: (i) An inventory of community assets, services, and programming available in the Centennial Neighbourhood and parts of the West Alexander Neighborhood, and analysis of gaps; including but not limited to public or private: (ii) Libraries; (iii) Daycares; (iv) Schools; (v) Health care services, such as dentists, pharmacies, doctors, or clinics; (vi) 24/7 spaces and emergency shelters; (vii) Food access, including grocery stores, markets, food banks and food programs; (viii) Parks and green spaces; (ix) Indoor and outdoor hockey and pleasure rinks, including costs and requirements for access; x) Venues, such as auditoriums, halls, multi-purpose rooms, and meeting rooms, including costs and requirements for access; (xi) Gymnasiums, including costs and requirements for access; (xii) Fitness Centres, including costs and requirements for access (xiii) Leisure and recreation programs, including but not limited to before- and after- school, sport and physical fitness, arts and culture, employment, seniors, and family/parent programs; including costs and requirements for access; (xiv) Substance use or harm reduction programs; and (xv) Public washrooms. (xvi) A current state assessment of the Freight House facility, that looks at current spaces and uses, programming, and utilization rates. The assessment shall include recommendations to maximize use of the facility between users for community benefit. (ii) Community Collaboration: (i) Participate and collaborate with community stakeholders to provide on-going input into the overall project. This may include increasing space functionality, safety and accessibility. (ii) Facility stakeholders currently identified are: Central Freight House Community Centre; • BGC Winnipeg: • Freight House Early Learning & Care Inc.; • Rossbrook House; • Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba (IRCOM); • City of Winnipeg; and • Manitoba Aboriginal Sport and Recreation Council (MASRC). The Consultant shall identify and coordinate opportunities to support capacity building through public and stakeholder engagement such as utilizing members of the community to help promote engagement opportunities, act as project ambassadors, and act as translators for public engagement opportunities. (?) (iv) The Consultant shall visit Freight House and/or other locations during programming hours as identified by stakeholder organizations, to increase understanding of programming and operational needs. Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.



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January 6, 2025


Multiple Locations, Winnipeg, MB

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