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Site work for a mixed-use development in Leesburg, Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a communication facility; and road / highway.

As of July 8,2024, project was awarded to N to N Fiber, Inc. , awarded amount is $491,121.40. Traffic Signal Fiber Connections. Question Deadline 06/11/2024 at 2:00 PM ET All questions regarding this bid must be submitted in writing via email to It is the intent of the TOWN to award a Contract to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder, up to the budgeted funding approved each Fiscal Year by the Town Council. The Town reserves the right to accept or to reject any or all bids in whole or in part, to make multiple awards, and to waive informalities in the process of awarding this contract. Pre bid meeting notes. To join the meeting and view the video shared by the Town of Leesburg from your computer, please see the following link(s): %40thread.v2/0context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22fcff6f14-98e4-4734-bf54- 941f010e77b7%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2298408a1a-5a6b-48ff-88e8- a0051971a913%22%7d To join the meeting via phone, please see the following dial-in info: Dial In #: +1 689-218-0588 Meeting Conference ID: 601 520 030# For more information: Learn More online bid opening notes. To join the meeting and view the video shared by the Town of Leesburg from your computer, please see the following link(s): YjA2%40thread.v2/0context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22fcff6f14-98e4-4734-bf54- 941f010e77b7%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2298408a1a-5a6b-48ff-88e8- a0051971a913%22%7d To join the meeting via phone, please see the following dial-in info: Dial In #: +1 689-218-0588 Meeting Conference ID: 218 663 827# For more information: Learn More. Summary: The Town of Leesburg, Virginia is soliciting bids from qualified contractors to install fiber, conduit and junction boxes to provide communication links between traffic signals and Town facilities. Work includes the installation of fiber, conduit and junction boxes to provide communication links between traffic signals and Town facilities and all incidentals thereto. Where fiber already exists, only conduit to Town facilities, fiber installation and termination will be required. The TOWN shall have the right to reject any or all Bids, reject a Bid not accompanied by a required bid security or by other data required by the Bidding Documents, or reject a Bid, which is in any way incomplete or irregular.




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