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Published June 3, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Wenatchee, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

A requirement for receipt of CDBG funds is to complete an Annual Action Plan (AAP) that summarizes the activities and projects that will take place during the year to address the priority needs and goals identified in the Strategic Plan. In 2024, the city has been allocated $308,346 from HUD. Up to twenty percent (20%) of this allocation may be utilized by the City for administrative purposes, leaving approximately $247,000 for actions to implement the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan , a strategic plan for how the CDBG funds would address the needs and priorities for Wenatchee. Additionally, the city has $130,128 of CDBD-CV (Coronavirus) funds that must be spent by July 10, 2026. Any project utilizing these funds must be designed to prepare, prevent, and respond (PPR) to Coronavirus. City contacts and additional information regarding this request for proposals, the annual action plan and the consolidated plan can be found on the city website at Online. Additional information may be found in the CDBG-CV Public Facilities Quick Guide or the CDBG-CV Toolkit: Eligible Uses . What are the Priority Needs The 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan identifies the following priority needs in the city: 1. Housing options - The city has the opportunity to work with partners from housing service providers to developers of multifamily units. Increasing housing cost burdens, overcrowding of mismatched units and increased risk of homelessness, are priority needs. 2. Multimodal Transportation - The city has substandard or missing infrastructure for multimodal uses including sidewalk, bike lanes, lighting, crossings and public transit. 3. Business Sustainability - The higher number of low paying jobs and the growing youth workforce is a driver for improving the economic health in Wenatchee. 4. Public Services - Access to services such as literacy, education, transportation, childcare, youth development, employment and more are vital for residents. What projects and activities are being considered for the 2024 Annual Action Plan 1. The city is initially considering allocation of the CDBG funds for Multimodal Transportation - funds for sidewalks, streetlights or other public improvements in low-income neighborhoods or to help support a project which provides housing or shelter for low- or moderate-income households. 2. The city is accepting requests for projects that meet the CDBG-CV eligibility requirements to prepare for, prevent, or respond (PPR) to Coronavirus. Request for proposals for 2024 Annual Action Plan funding allocation: The city is accepting proposals for projects that meet the priority needs of the consolidated plan, particularly projects within the multimodal and public services categories or for CDBG-CV eligible projects.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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