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Site work, paving and new construction of a mixed-use development in Omaha, Nebraska. Completed plans call for the construction of a 130,000-square-foot municipal facility; for site work for a municipal facility; road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; water / sewer project; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

Metropolitan Utilities District is constructing a new construction center and related site grading, improvements, utilities, parking and interior roadways, buildings and other infrastructure to support the construction center, consisting of approximately 130,000 square feet, to be located near Hwy 133/Blair High Rd. & Potter St., Omaha, Nebraska. Notice to Bidders: MCL Construction hereby invites interested qualified subcontractors and suppliers to submit responses to the Request for Proposals which will include a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) proposal for the following Major Trades: 1. Complete Electrical and Low Voltage Systems 2. Complete Mechanical Systems Interested bidders are to please contact Matt Blum at for bid documents. Proposals can also be emailed to Matt Blum (please copy Carter VonEssen,, Mike Heser,, Adam Hoebelheinrich, and John Velehradsky, on all final proposal email distributions). All questions prior to the proposal date will be required to be submitted on or before June 13th at 3:00 PM. Proposers will be evaluated after the interviews based on the lowest responsible bidder which shall mean completeness of the GMP proposal, knowledge of the project, financial responsibility, the general ability and capacity of the bidder to perform the work, the bidder's facilities and suitability for the task, and those qualities which the bidder must necessarily have in order to perform the contract strictly in accordance with its terms. Time is of the essence for this project and bids will not be considered if the contractor cannot meet the construction schedule as provided. MCL reserves the right to reject any, and all proposals, to waive irregularities and informalities therein, and to award the contract in the best interest of the owner.




Public - County

New Construction, Paving, Site Work




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10402 Potter St, Omaha, NE

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