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Published June 6, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Toms River, New Jersey. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. and P.L. 1975 C. 127 (N.J.A.C. 17:27-1 et seq.) regarding equal employment opportunities and with the requirements of P.L. 1977 C.33 regarding corporate and/or partnership ownership. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved in accordance with applicable law. By order of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Ocean. 2. Contact Information and Project Timeline 2.1. Summary The purpose of this bid package is to provide the County of Ocean with a Contractor who will supply the goods or services described and specified herein. 2.2. Contact Information For further information regarding these specifications, contact Jessica Hannold Buyer 101 Hooper Ave. Room 224 Toms River, NJ 08753 Email: Phone: (732) 929-2103 Department: Roads 4. Instructions to Bidders 4.1. Bid Opening All bids will be opened publicly in the Administration Building, Room 119, 101 Hooper Avenue, Toms River, New Jersey, commencing at 11:00 am, prevailing time on Tuesday, June 25, 2024. 4.2. Electronic Bid Submissions Bids must be submitted electronically through Ocean County's Procurement Portal by the date and time stipulated in the Notice to Bidders. 4.3. Deadline Instructions The County will not be responsible for late bids, and no bids will be accepted if received after the time stipulated in the notice to bidders. 4.4. Completion of all Documents Bidders shall complete all documents and acknowledge all terms included with the bid package. All documents should be from this bid package and must not be dated or executed prior to the date of advertising. Failure to follow these instructions is cause for rejection. NOTE: In order to access any DocuSign forms in this solicitation, you must first click "Draft Response". Instructions on how to access the forms through DocuSign are available in the Attachments. Please note that in order to view the forms as a .pdf document, you must access DocuSign first. Once you access DocuSign, the option to download, save, print and complete the forms becomes available 4.5. Right to Reject The County reserves the right to reject all bids in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:11-13.2, to waive any informalities in the bid and to accept the lowest responsible bid in accordance with applicable law. 4.6. Bidder Default In case of default by the bidder or contractor, the County of Ocean may procure the articles or services from other sources and hold the bidder or contractor responsible for any excess cost occasioned thereby. 4.7. Indemnity The bidder, if awarded a contract, agrees to protect, defend and save harmless the County against any damage for payment for the use of any patented material process, article or device that may enter into the manufacture, construction or form a part of the work covered by either order or contract, and he further agrees to indemnify and save harmless the County from suits or actions of every nature and description brought against it, for, or on account of injuries or damages received or sustained by any party or parties by, or from any of the negligent acts of the contractor, his servants or agents. 4.8. Specifications It is to be understood by the bidder that this bid is submitted on the basis of specifications prepared by the County and the fact that any bidder is not familiar with these specifications or conditions will not be accepted as an excuse. 4.9. Bid Security NO BID SECURITY 4.10. Performance Bond NO PERFORMANCE BOND 4.11. Pricing Proposal Bidders must use the pricing proposal provided in the bid specifications. Failure to use the pricing proposal in the bid specifications shall be cause for rejection of the bid. 4.12. Pricing Insert prices for furnishing all of the material and/or labor described or required. Prices shall be net, including any charges for packing, crating, containers, etc. and all transportation charges fully prepaid by the contractor F.O.B. destination and placement at locations specified by the County. No additional charges will be allowed for any transportation costs resulting from partial shipments made at the vendor's convenience when a single shipment is ordered. 4.13. Payment Payments will be made upon the approval of vouchers submitted by the successful bidders in accordance with the requirements of the Board of Commissioners and subject to the Board of Commissioners customary procedures. The County will not pay interest or late fees regardless of language provided. 4.14. Discrepancy in Pricing In the event that there is a discrepancy between the unit prices and the extended totals, the unit prices shall prevail. In the event there is an error of the summation of the extended totals, the computation by the OWNER of the extended totals shall govern. 4.15. Award Timeframe Award will be made by Ocean County Board of Commissioners within sixty (60) days after receipt of bids. 4.16. Equal or Tie Bids The County of Ocean reserves the right to award at their discretion to any one of the tie bidders where it is most advantageous for the County to do so, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-6.1. 4.17. Tax Exempt The County of Ocean is exempt from any State sales tax or Federal excise tax. 4.18. Equivalent Product For purpose of evaluation where an equivalent product is being furnished, bidder must indicate any variation to our specifications no matter how slight. If no variations are indicated, it will be construed that the bid fully complies with our specifications. 4.19. Quantities The quantities shown on the pricing proposal are estimates only, and Ocean County will not guarantee any minimum purchase. The County reserves the right to decrease or omit quantities as needed over the course of the contract. The county will not consider any minimum requirements imposed on order quantities. The County also reserves the right to increase quantities to twenty (20) percent of the maximum quantities listed at the unit price bid, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:30-11.3. Note: Actual orders are placed upon receipt of a Purchase Order, on an as needed basis. The County will not be responsible to pay for any product that was not ordered through a Purchase Order. 4.20. Delivery of Goods and Services Delivery of items shall only be made upon receipt of a Purchase Order issued by the Ocean County Department of Purchase, upon which delivery locations and needed quantities shall be indicated. 4.21. American Goods and Products All contractors must comply with the provisions of New Jersey Statute Title 40A:11-18, when applicable. 4.22. Assignment This agreement shall not be assigned without the written consent of the County of Ocean. 4.23. NJ One Call By presenting a bid, contractor declares that he is aware of and, if required, will comply with the requirements of the "Underground Facility Protection Act (Public Law 1994, Chapter 118)" prior to commencing any intended excavation. The telephone number to call is 1-800-272-1000. 4.24. Public Works Contractor Registration Act, N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.48 et seq The bidder must comply with the provisions of "The Public Works Contractor Registration Act", if applicable. o All named contractors must be registered with the Department of Labor and Workforce Development pursuant to the Public Works Contractor Registration Act at the time the proposal is received, or the proposal will be determined to be non-responsive. o Any non-listed contractor must be registered with the Department of Labor and Workforce Development prior to physically starting work. It is the responsibility of the General Contractor to insure that all non-listed sub-contractors comply. o Contractors are encouraged to submit their and all named sub-contractors' Public Works Contractor Registration Certificates with the bid. 4.25. Prevailing Wage & Labor Laws The New Jersey Prevailing Wage Act (P.L. 1963, Chapter 150) and provisions of the State Labor Laws must be complied with by the successful bidder, if applicable. The current Prevailing Wage Rates can be found online at 4.26. New Jersey Business Registration Requirements Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:32-44, Ocean County ("Contracting Agency") is prohibited from entering into a contract with an entity unless the bidder/proposer/contractor, and each subcontractor that is required by law to be named in a bid/proposal/contract has a valid Business Registration Certificate on file with the Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services within the Department of the Treasury. Prior to contract award or authorization, the contractor shall provide the Contracting Agency with its proof of business registration and that of any named subcontractor(s). Subcontractors named in a bid or other proposal shall provide proof of business registration to the bidder, who in turn, shall provide it to the Contracting Agency prior to the time a contract, purchase order, or other contracting document is awarded or authorized. During the course of contract performance: (1) the contractor shall not enter into a contract with a subcontractor unless the subcontractor first provides the contractor with a valid proof of business registration. (2) the contractor shall maintain and submit to the Contracting Agency a list of subcontractors and their addresses that may be updated from time to time. (3) the contractor and any subcontractor providing goods or performing services under the contract, and each of their affiliates, shall collect and remit to the Director of the Division of Taxation in the Department of the Treasury, the use tax due pursuant to the Sales and Use Tax Act, (N.J.S.A. 54:32B-1 et seq.) on all sales of tangible personal property delivered into the State. Any questions in this regard can be directed to the Division of Taxation at (609)292-6400. Form NJ-REG can be filed online at http://www.state.nj.usreasury/revenue/busregcert.shtml. Before final payment is made under the contract, the contractor shall submit to the Contracting Agency a complete and accurate list of all subcontractors used and their addresses. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 54:49-4.1, a business organization that fails to provide a copy of a business registration as required, or that provides false business registration information, shall be liable for a penalty of $25 for each day of violation, not to exceed $50,000, for each proof of business registration not properly provided under a contract with a contracting agency. 4.27. Pay to Play Requirements Starting in January 2007, all business entities are advised of their responsibility to file an annual disclosure statement of political contributions with the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC) pursuant to N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.27 if they receive contracts in excess of $50,000 from public entities in a calendar year. Business entities are responsible for determining if filing is necessary. Additional information on this requirement is available from ELEC at 888-313-3532 or at 4.28. Statement of Ownership The provisions of N.J.S.A. 52:25-24.2 applies to all forms of corporations and partnerships, including, but not limited to, limited partnerships, limited liability corporations, limited liability partnerships, and Subchapter S corporations. 4.29. Disclosure of Investment Activities in Iran Pursuant to Public Law 2012, c. 25, any person or entity that is a successful bidder or proposer, or otherwise proposes to enter into or renew a contract, must complete the certification below to attest, under penalty of perjury, that neither the person or entity, nor any parent entity, subsidiary, or affiliate is identified on the State Department of Treasury's Chapter 25 list as a person or entity engaging in investment activities in Iran. The list is found on Treasury's website at The Chapter 25 list must be reviewed prior to completing the certification. If a vendor or contractor is found to be in violation of law, action may be taken as appropriate and as may provided by law, rule or contract, including but not limited to imposing sanctions, seeking compliance, recovering damages, declaring the party in default and seeking debarment or suspension of the party. Prior to contract award or authorization, the contractor shall provide the Contracting Agency with a completed Certification on Disclosure of Investment Activities in Iran. 4.30. Certification of Non-Involvement in Prohibited Activities in Russia or Belarus Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:32-60.1, et seq. (L. 2022, c. 3) any person or entity (hereinafter "Vendor") that seeks to enter into or renew a contract with a State agency for the provision of goods or services, or the purchase of bonds or other obligations, must complete the certification below indicating whether or not the Vendor is identified on the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons list, available here: If the Department of the Treasury finds that a Vendor has made a certification in violation of the law, it shall take any action as may be appropriate and provided by law, rule or contract, including but not limited to, imposing sanctions, seeking compliance, recovering damages, declaring the party in default and seeking debarment or suspension of the party. 4.31. Insurance Requirements The contractor shall maintain primary insurance to protect against all claims under Workmen's Compensation, Comprehensive General Liability and Automobile. Except for Workmen's Compensation, all coverage shall apply as primary coverage with respect to any other insurance or self-insurance program afforded to the County. There shall be no endorsement or modification of this coverage to make it excess over other available insurance/coverage; alternatively, if the CGL and umbrella, excess of reinsurance states that it is pro rata, it shall be endorsed to be primary with respect to the County. Primary Coverage shall be subject to approval for adequacy of protection as per the following limits: Worker's Compensation 1. Limits according to Worker's compensation Laws of the State of New Jersey. 2. Contractor's Liability not less than $100,000. Comprehensive General Liability 1. Bodily Injury - $500,000 per person; $1,000,000 per occurrence. 2. Property Damage - $1,000,000 per occurrence. Comprehensive General Liability Details Comprehensive Automobile Liability shall include the following: Business auto liability insurance or its equivalent with a minimum limit of $1,000,000 per accident and including coverage for all of the following: Liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of any auto; Auto non-ownership and hired car coverage. Contractor's Worker's Compensation, Comprehensive General Liability and Comprehensive Automobile Liability arising out of subcontractor's operations shall be identical as that listed above. Proof of Insurance Copies of each insurance certificate shall be furnished to the County when requested. 4.32. Open Public Records Act (OPRA) ** ATTENTION** Responses received pursuant to this solicitation are subject to complete disclosure pursuant to the Open Public Records Act. Please note that disclosure includes any and all attachments and addenda supplementing the solicitation response. Accordingly, please do not include personal identifying information in any supplementary documents submitted with the solicitation response. 4.33. County Cooperative Contract Purchasing System The County has established a "COUNTY COOPERATIVE CONTRACT PURCHASING SYSTEM" pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40a:11-1 et seq... The IDENTIFIER for this system is: CK-02-OC This system allows local government contracting entities located within the geographical boundaries of the County to purchase goods and services awarded as a result of this bid proposal if it is extended by the low bidder. Goods and services must be made available without substitution or deviation from specifications, size, features, quality, price or availability as herein set forth. It is understood that orders, if any, will be placed directly by contracting units, subject to the overall terms of the contract to be awarded by the County of Ocean. The estimated quantities listed in this specification reflect only the needs of the agencies under the direct control of the Ocean County Board of Commissioners. If the vendor chooses to extend the resulting contract to all other contracting units, the quantities could be higher. Please check ( ) the YES or NO box in the Vendor Questionnaire to indicate whether or not you will extend contract prices to all contracting units.
Water / Sewer
Public - County
Service, Maintenance and Supply
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