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Published June 10, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Waterbury, Connecticut. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Pursuant to this Request for Proposal ("RFP"), the City of Waterbury, Office of Community Development (the "City"), is seeking proposals from third parties (each a "proposer" and collectively the "proposers") to act as a Construction Specialist to monitor rehabilitation and construction projects. Qualifications Eligible proposers will be those consultants, businesses, and institutions that have the following qualifications: 1. Experience and expertise in providing the types of or similar services as those outlined in the Scope of Services in this RFP; 2. A proposer with a proven track record in providing these types of or similar services; 3. Five (5) years of experience in the construction or home improvement industry including two (2) years of supervisory experience; 4. Knowledge of Federal, State and local laws and regulations governing the services as outlined in the scope of services; 5. Knowledge of the general principals, and practices of building construction, housing rehabilitation, housing and building codes and the home improvement industry; 6. Ability to read and interpret plans for structural improvements and mechanical installations, blueprints and architectural drawings; 7. Ability to estimate costs of materials and labor for improvements, alterations and additions to residential structures; 8. Ability to prepare job specifications; 9. Ability to make inspections and enforce specifications tactfully; 10.Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with contractors, City personnel, and property owners; 11.Ability to express oneself clearly and concisely, orally and in writing; 12.A licensed Assistant Building Official (ABO), Building Official (BO), or Construction Inspector, is preferred. However, persons with experience in all of the qualifications listed above will also be considered; and 13.Must have the ability to process projects in a timely manner. Scope of Services As noted in the Background and Intent, the Office of Community Development is seeking to engage the services of a housing Construction Specialist to assist with oversight of their housing rehabilitation projects under a new housing rehabilitation program funded by CDBG and/or HOME. The Construction Specialist will provide the following services: o Familiarize themselves with applicable Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations; o Meet with property owner(s) to discuss improvements; o Perform home inspections using HUD's Uniform physical inspection requirements (see attached); o Consult with City staff to discuss rehabilitation work and prepare written findings; o Prepare and review cost estimates, work specifications, and bid packages to ensure they are in accordance with federal, state, and local building codes along with HUD regulations; o Review bid proposals for accuracy and reasonableness; o Review contractor's qualifications; o Attend mandatory pre-bid walk-throughs; o Attend project meetings, as needed; o Supervise and inspect work in progress to verify compliance with specifications and contract; o Complete project log of all site visits and conversations with owners and contractors; o Verify licenses and certifications of workers on job sites; o Assist in resolving disputes between property owner and contractor; o Perform inspections of completed work with property owner and contractor; o Prepare, approve, and obtain all necessary signatures for change orders; o Prepare and approve progress payments and obtain all required signatures; o Prepare final inspection and report; and o Verify proper permitting and issuance of Certificate of Occupancy and or Certificate of Completion with the City of Waterbury's Building Department. The agreement period for any contract or purchase order resulting from this RFP is anticipated to be one (1) year. Responses to questions submitted by the above date or identified at any Information Session to be held regarding this RFP, along with any changes or amendments to this RFP, will be available via the City of Waterbury via Electronically. by June 18, 2024, 2:00 p.m. It shall be the responsibility of the proposer to download this information. If you have any procedural questions in this regard, please call the Purchasing Director at (203) 574-6748. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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December 25, 2024


Multiple Locations, Waterbury, CT

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