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Published June 17, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Passaic, New Jersey. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Purpose of Proposal: The Passaic Public School District is soliciting Requests for Proposals (RFP) from Architectural/ Engineering firms to provide district wide consultant services for the Passaic School District. The District will contract with multiple firms for the wide range of services required on an "as needed" basis. . Scope of Service The requirements are directed toward supporting the district requirements to continue constructing new schools, renovating existing facilities, planning, investigations, grants, redistricting, maintaining upgrading, correcting deficiencies, maintaining compliance and enhancing its school facilities and properties that are owned, leased and for future occupancy sites, per regulatory requirements. The District's program requirements shall be the driving force for all its Construction requirements. The firm shall organize each undertaking into the most cost-effective solution that addresses the task at hand providing cost estimates and alternate solutions when requested. Some of the more minor items will be handled using the required quotation procedure or a State contract. That process will help reduce the overall project cost. Other projects are restricted by law and require the use of the formal bidding process under N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-4 and the most current regulations. The scope of work could include but not be limited to the following services: Complete Architectural/Engineering Services; Complete Engineering Services; including Civil, Structural, MEP, Low Voltage building systems, Technology and others. Specialty Consultants, Environmental issues and other analysis and testing Liaison with the New Jersey Division of Education (DOE), the Schools Development Authority (SDA), the District and all other governmental regulatory agencies and authorities; K-12 schools Facility and Early Childhood Projects completed and future; DOE, SDA, Grants Review and upgrade of the LRFP (Long Range Facility Plan) including amendments and demographics Review all district goals-assessment of educational programs, present and future. Inventory and analyze all district sites- school space and capacity analyses; Provide all floor, mechanical, plot - site plans and other drawings as needed - submit electronic (in Original & PDF format) and hard copies, 3 signed and sealed full size and 1 "half size" at no charge to the district; with corresponding specifications. Existing structure investigations and assessments including all preschool contracted providers and contracted special education sites for all regulatory compliance; integrity assessments Develop deficiency correction projects; include program and physical facility upgrades. Assist in the preparation of the district's maintenance and compliance plans; provide project estimates when requested Develop and provide estimated budget for each project; Develop a Project priority list per year and coordinate with scheduled projects Review existing and projected enrollments - update all demographics; Develop new sending areas based upon enrolment projections and new school construction; Review NJDOE software-report district information as required; submit all project information Assessment of existing and proposed programs - provide excess FES (Construction Efficiency Standards) justification; Complete initial draft of NJDOE required reports. Presentation to the Board District Operations Committee; two presentations at no charge Presentations to the Board meetings; three presentations at no charge sessions, minimum. Prepare, organize, and print final document reports based upon all comments and findings - for Board for approval; Provide up to ten copies and one electronic copy of completed work to district; no charge Minimum Two Weekly site/progress visits with all parties involved; including construction management and administration for all projects Coordinate, schedule and work with school calendar and other District professionals; Conduct feasibility studies when requested; Assist in organizing and filing district prints and specifications; includes copy and scanning services Existing structure investigations and assessments; Energy evaluations and grant applications; including health and safety issues Mitigation of Emergency Situations-emergency response to site required; Maintenance Safety Training - OSHA-PEOSH; other regulatory requirement Variance Applications and planning/zoning board presentations and submissions; Referendum Planning and Support; Litigation Support to the Board Attorney; expert testimony and investigations Construction Contract support to the Board Attorney and special counsels; Long Range Facility and Maintenance Projects; DOE Facility submittals Project - Construction Management, Scheduling and Coordination; Punch Lists Assistance with Small Repair and Maintenance Projects; includes specs & drawings Full Range of the more Typical Architect/Engineer Design services from Educational Specifications through Construction Administration, Punch List and Closeout Obtain and monitor all necessary permits and licenses and when requested. Identify and apply for various rebates and grants on timely manner and follow up with rebate and grant grantor/s, until funds are received by the Passaic Board of Education ('PBoE') The scope of service descriptions are listed below and represent services usually requested by the Passaic School District under the "District Architect/Engineer" heading as needed. These are representative of the type of assignments the Architect and/or Engineer might anticipate, but not limited to these items only. Contact Information Project Contact: Dhimant Dave Director of Construction 663 Main Avenue Passaic, NJ 07055 Email: ddave@passaicschools.org Phone: (973) 470-5500 Ext: 8897 Procurement Contact: Maritza Colon-Montanez Purchasing Manager 663 Main Avenue Passaic, NJ 07055 Email: macolon@passaicschools.org Phone: (973) 470-5598 It is the responsibility of each respondent to ensure that their proposal is complete and presented to the Purchasing Agent, or designee, prior to the advertised date and time. No proposals shall be received or accepted by the Board of Education after the advertised bid date and time. (N.J.S.A. 18A:18A:21(b)) Any contract awarded under this process shall be made by resolution of the Board of Education. The award must be made within sixty (60) days of the receipt of the proposals, however subject to extension pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-36 (a). Question Deadline 07/08/2024 at 12:00 PM ET Respondents are expected to examine the RFP with care and observe all their requirements. All questions about the meaning or intent of this RFP, all interpretations and clarifications considered necessary by the District's representative in response to such comments and questions will be issued by Addenda emailed electronically. Only comments and questions responded to by formally issued Addenda will be binding. Oral interpretations, statements, or clarifications will be without legal effect. No interpretation of the meaning of the specifications will be made to any respondent orally. Every request for such interpretations should be submitted via electronically. Any and all interpretations and any supplemental instructions will be distributed in the form of addenda to the specifications. The addenda will be provided in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-21(c) to the respondents by electronically no later than seven (7) days Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays excepted, prior to the date for acceptance of proposals. All addenda so issued shall become part of the contract document. The names and addresses of the respondents submitting proposals will be read publicly. All vendors, agents of the vendors and the general public are invited to attend the opening of proposals. The term of contract for Architectural-Engineering Services shall be from Board approval, through June 30, 2025 or the final completion of a given project, whichever date is later. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.



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January 15, 2025


Multiple Locations, Passaic, NJ

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