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Published June 26, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Litchfield, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The Town of Litchfield requests detailed price proposals from pre-qualified contractors for the replacement of the fuel dispensers and piping at the Public Works Department (DPW) at 101 Russell St in Litchfield CT. This fueling station (Diesel and Unleaded Gas) is a critical operation for the facility as it serves the DPW, all the School buses, Fire Department apparatus and Ambulances for the Town and Region. It shall be the responsibility of all interested firms to check the website for addenda prior to submitting a response to this RFP. No questions will be accepted, or addenda issued after Thursday July 11, 2024 by 11:00am EDT, unless it is to postpone the due date. Respondents with questions regarding the submission requirements or requesting an electronic version of this request for proposals may contact the following personnel via email only (telephone inquiries related to proposal requirements shall not receive a response): Raz Alexe, P.E., at: ralexe@townoflitchfield.org. The Town of Litchfield request for proposals that a Contractor(s) shall provide a total "turnkey" project including demo, installation of all necessary equipment, materials, start up and training. Critical due date to finalize the project (including start up and training) is no later than Tuesday, August 27th, 2024 COB. In relation to any building/structure mounted system above and underground, the contractor shall evaluate building construction and all local, State and Federal codes related to mounting of equipment in a public space. The contractor(s) shall provide, at a minimum, labor pricing for the following tasks, individually. All the necessary materials, including Dispensers, piping and Fuel Management System have been ordered separately by the Town. Tasks, not exclusive; Demo existing u/g and install new flexible piping - see sheet FS.02 (ex. 2" dia APT DW UL 971) Trenching as per the signed and sealed drawings - FS.04, FS.07, FS.10 (if necessary) and FS.13 for reference only Install submersible pumps at the AGT area (ex: 3/4HP connect into sumps via 2"dia SCH 40 BLK ST pipe) - see FS.02 and installation dwg(s) install sumps and dispensers with equipment install one (1) Unleaded Wayne IX two hose dispenser and one (1) Diesel Wayne IX two hose dispenser - FS.02 and installation dwg(s) Install one (1) EVO Fuel Management System Install electrical - FS.10 and FS.13 Start up, training and warranty, with live transactions, running reports and interfacing with the current Town's a/c system. The following manufacturer training and installer certifications for the contractors involved in the project are mandatory, at a minimum, in order to be pre-qualified to perform the job. The Board of Selectman (BOS) shall make a decision based on the Public Works Director's (Director) recommendation. The Director shall evaluate the responses, and if necessary, create a short list for the purpose of conducting interviews. All submissions shall be final and binding on the respondent for acceptance by the Town for 30 days from the proposal closing date and time. The Town of Litchfield is an Affirmative Action - Equal Opportunity Employer. The Town of Litchfield is issuing this request for proposals for the purpose of determining the benefits of retaining contractors to provide the services described in this Project bid scope and requirements, and reserves the right to reject any or all responses and to amend the Project bid scope and requirements in the process of selecting a contractor. The Town reserves the right to reject any, or any part of, or all Bid Proposals; to waive informalities; and to accept that Bid Proposal which the Town deem to be in the best interest of the Town, whether or not it is the lowest dollar Bid. Consideration in the awarding of the contract will be given, but not limited to, price, the accuracy and responsiveness of the contractor, the experience, competence and financial condition of the contractor, time for completion and/or labor force adequate to perform the work, the nature and size of the contractor's organization, quality of similar projects it has performed and completed in the past in Connecticut, other projects and/or revaluations currently under contract by the contractor, and a determination by the Town that the contractor has the ability to complete the project successfully. The individual or firm selected will be required to abide by the Town of Litchfield Insurance policy.




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July 15, 2024

August 27, 2024


101 Russell St, Litchfield, CT

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