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Published July 3, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Coupeville, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

2025 Liquid Asphalt Distributor and Chassis. Site Address: 1 NE 7th Street. Bid Proposal. NOTE: SURETY BONDS & PERSONAL/COMPANY CHECKS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE for this call for bids. Upon award of the bid, the five percent (5%) bid deposit of the successful bidder shall be held as a guarantee to insure performance of the bidder's obligations as stated in his bid, including time of delivery. The five percent (5%) bid deposit shall be returned following delivery and acceptance of the equipment, and when all other bid requirements have been met, including delivery of statement of warranty(ies). The bid deposit of all unsuccessful bidders shall be returned after the bids are awarded and the performance bonds of the successful bidders are received and accepted by the Board of Commissioners. 5) AWARD OF BID: After opening and reading Bid Proposals, Island County will check them for correctness of extensions of the prices per unit and the total price. If a discrepancy exists between the price per unit and the extended amount of any Bid item, the price per unit will control. The total of extensions, corrected where necessary, will be used by Island County for Award purposes. The right is reserved by Island County to waive informalities in the bidding, accept a Bid Proposal of the lowest responsible Bidder, reject any or all Bids, republish the call for Bids, revise or cancel the Work, or require the Work to be done in another way if the best interest of Island County is served. Acceptance of delivery" shall be contingent upon determination that the item bid meets all specifications as contained in this call for bids. NOTE: Although equipment provided under bid will be cursorily inspected prior to delivery, NO payment for the equipment will be made until the unit has been delivered to location specified under Item 2) DELIVERY (b), page 2 and accepted by Island County. SERVICE: a) Service Capability: Bidder shall have facilities, skilled personnel, equipment, and parts available to completely service, maintain, overhaul, and repair the equipment offered within the local area (i.e., a radius of 100 miles, including Bellingham and Seattle areas.) Bidder shall be able to provide technical assistance in the person of a service representative within a maximum of 48 hours after a request is made to the bidder. Bidder shall be satisfactory to the Board of Commissioners from the standpoint of experience, reliability and demonstrated ability to manufacture equipment comparable to the size and type required by the specifications. Per Item #7-c (see page 4 of General Provisions) Please note any Special/Extended Warranties (time/mileage-hours) available on the engines, transmissions, and rear ends included in these specifications, as well as separate extended warranties for cab & chassis and oil distributor components. (Any applicable costs should be noted on the Bid Proposal Sheet) C. Item bid shall meet all State of Washington and Federal safety requirements. D. The fitting and placing of accessories/accessory equipment shall not impair normal maintenance/ operation of the equipment. E. APPROVED EQUALS: The brand names listed if any, indicate the standard of quality required. Brands of equal quality, performance and use will be considered, provided the bidder specifies the brand, model, and other data for comparison with their bid. Island County will be the sole judge for approving other brands offered as equals to the brand specified. Bidders shall indicate if they are offering alternate brands in the space below each item on the Bid Proposal sheet. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject bids of bidders who cannot produce satisfactory evidence that they can furnish promptly all spare parts needed for ordinary service or repair of equipment herein specified.


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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NE 7th St, Coupeville, WA

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