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Published July 3, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in New Boston, New Hampshire. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Town of New Boston NH is seeking qualified vendors to provide approximately 4,000 yards of 1-1 1/2 " crushed gravel material as needed GENERAL BID INFORMATION/REQUIREMENTS 1. This is a blanket bid for the purchase of gravel material to be ordered, "as needed", with no guarantee of annual consumption. 2. The products requested through vendors shall conform, equal, or beat NHDOT/MASSDOT Specifications. 3. Materials are to be priced in units per cubic yard: o Picked up by Town trucks at your pit location, loaded by your equipment. 4. For those materials picked up by the Town: The Town may split the award to multiple vendors based on the lowest most responsive bidder AND proximity of the Vendor's Pit to the Highway Department or jobsite. 5. Bid Form: Fill in those areas that are applicable and/or interested in submitting a Bid. Any items left blank will not be considered. 6. EQUAL: If an interested vendor has a comparable product to what is being requested but it is called something different from that listed, the product name must be specified in the Product Description column: i.e., 3/4 " crushed stone vs. 3/4 " ledge, etc., and a general specification sheet thereof submitted with Bid. 7. PRODUCT AVAILABILITY: The Town of New Boston, NH reserves the right to cancel the Bid Award for the following but not limited to: inferior product, lack of product, poor billing administration, and non-disclosure. In such an instance the Town of New Boston, NH will formerly notice the Vendor and Re-Award to the next lowest most responsive bidder. 8. Vendors shall complete, sign, and return two (2) copies of the BID Sheet and include any additional specification sheets as backup for EQUAL(s) The undersigned, as a lawfully authorized agent for the below named Bidder/Contractor, has carefully examined the Proposal form of this Bid, to be known as Crushed Gravel Bid 2024, with the General Provisions, Specifications and other bid documents and binds himself/herself and his/her company on award to them by the Board of Selectmen to execute a contract agreement under this Proposal in accordance with such award, on such form and in such manner as is prescribed by the Town, and to provide all necessary equipment, labor, materials and other items or services needed to perform all the requirements to provide Crushed Gravel, for the Town of New Boston, NH for the following Unit Prices.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, New Boston, NH

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