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Published July 5, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a detention facility in Cheshire, Connecticut. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a detention facility.

The BI-JA-496 project involves the installation of three new hot water and chilled water central plants. These new plants will replace the single larger plant at the Powerhouse on campus that presently serves the entire campus with chilled water and high-temperature hot water. The three new plants will be located locally at each of the three major areas that comprise the Cheshire Complex: Cheshire Correctional, Webster, and Manson Youth Institute. New hot water and chilled water piping will be provided from the three new plants to each mechanical room at each facility, to backfeed local hot water and chilled water distribution within each building. The plant equipment for Cheshire Correctional will be installed in a new plant building, as part of this project, inside the secure perimeter of the facility. The plant equipment for Webster will be installed in the existing mechanical space within Webster. Plant equipment for Manson Youth Institute will be located inside the existing Powerhouse nearby. Additionally, the project will include a new head-end BMS system for the entire complex. The system will control and monitor all of the new plant equipment and tie into existing DDC control systems at each building that currently has DDC systems. The new BMS system will also include energy monitoring to each of the local mechanical rooms fed by the three new central plants for energy monitoring. 1.5 Total Construction Cost: $20,477,757.00


Jails / Prisons


Public - State/Provincial


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July 31, 2025


42 Jarvis St, Cheshire, CT

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