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Published July 24, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a multi-residential development in Hammond, Indiana. Conceptual plans call for site work for a multi-residential development; and for the construction of a multi-residential development.

The Redevelopment of the block bounded by Rimbach Street, Sibley Street, Hohman Avenue, and Morton Court is an opportunity to contribute to the sense of presence in Downtown Hammond. A new train station promises to create value within the Downtown Area, and a new generation of households has shown a clear preference for urban living, at the same time that baby boomers are looking to move back to city centers. These developments create the potential for change. A new multi-family development with retail along Hohman Avenue should bring more than 200 apartments to the underutilized public parking lot framed by Hohman, Sibley, and Rimbach. Adaptive reuse of adjacent flagship buildings should add hundreds more housing units and rehabilitated retail to Downtown while preserving signature examples of its architectural heritage. Together, these infusions of new residents and amenities should add substantial new life to Downtown streets and support its revitalization. To continue the investment and redevelopment of the Downtown, the City of Hammond is soliciting proposals for the purchase and redevelopment of vacant land bounded by Rimbach Street, Sibley Street, Hohman Avenue, and Morton Court. Developers are encouraged to respond to this RFP with project concepts consistent with the Downtown Hammond Master Plan and Hammond Downtown Development Standards Regulating Plan as it relates to the Hohman and Rimbach Block Project Scope :Please include the following: Developer's purchase price Development vision and conceptual design plan. The conceptual design plan should be scaled and include site improvements (location of buildings, parking, landscaping, etc.) Proposed uses, including description, number of units (apartments and condominiums), floors, units per floor, square footage for each type of unit Business plan, including market study and leasing/sales strategy Development pro forma Anticipated Development budget in excel format, which should include: o Itemized list of hard costs, soft costs and financing costs o Detailed sources of funds Project schedule including the start and completion date, as well as timeline for design and construction and any phasing Any incentive requested for the Project Acknowledgement that the proposal complies with the Hammond Downtown Development Standards and Regulating Plan The property consists of one (1) combined parcel approximately 3.5 acres. The City of Hammond invites proposals for the purchase and redevelopment of the approximately +/- 3.5 acre site bounded by Rimbach Street, Sibley Street, Hohman Ave, and Morton Court. This property is in the City's Downtown Redevelopment Area and the Downtown Hammond Urban Renewal District. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.




Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Hammond, IN

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