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Published July 23, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a library in Manalapan, New Jersey. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a library.

Late proposals will not be accepted. Inquiries regarding this project should be directed to Casey Hornstra of the Office of the Monmouth County Engineer, at (732) 431-7760 or Casey.Hornstra@co.monmouth.nj.us. The qualifications statement shall be no more than four (4) typed, single sided 8 1/2 " x 11" sheets in length. Anything in excess of this page limitation will not be read or considered. Resumes of proposed key personnel must be attached to the qualifications statement. Each resume shall be a maximum of two (2) single-sided 8 1/2 " x 11" sheets in length and should highlight education, professional credentials, and work performance on projects similar to that described below. The resume of the proposed project manager, as well as the resume(s) of proposed key technical staff must be included. Also included shall be a listing of work areas which the Consultant would subcontract out to other firms, the names of each subconsultant, summarized on one (1) page, and the resumes of the subconsultant's(s') project manager(s). The intent of this project is to develop schematic design through final construction documents for the boiler replacements at the Monmouth County Western Branch Library located at 125 Symmes Road in the Township of Manalapan. An RFP will be issued to selected qualified candidates for the services of an architectural and engineering firm to prepare schematic drawings through final construction documents for the boiler replacements at the Western Branch Library. The Consultant shall also provide construction administration services and post-construction administration services including the preparation and submission of any environmental permits. The Consultant shall provide the County of Monmouth with professional services necessary to remove the existing boiler systems and replace with new high efficiency systems. Two (2) 2.5 Million British Thermal Units per hour (MMBTU/hr) Weil McClain Model CR2-G0-20A natural gas boilers exist at the Western Branch Library. The Consultant shall include in his construction documents a detailed phasing plan to replace the existing equipment especially if work cannot be completed within the summer months. Weekend or single-day shutdowns for tie-ins will be permitted. The Consultant shall prepare construction documents (plans and specifications) with enough detail for the purpose of bidding, obtaining building permits, and implementation of the improvements. The Consultant shall also provide construction administration services during the bid, construction, and post-construction phases and shall be prepared to do regular inspections throughout the duration of the project. The Consultant shall be responsible for filling out all required forms and submittals in a timely manner as required by the program's administrative requirements. Interested Consultants and their subconsultant should demonstrate extensive experience with the design of boiler replacements especially with this type of building/operations and phasing plan in their proposal. The Consultants shall indicate in their proposal the number of similar type projects that they have designed and shall identify their specific role in those projects. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time. *The list of planholders and/or interested bidders is not being tracked by the stakeholders involved with this project. If you are an interested contractor and wish to be listed as a bidder, please notify our editorial staff at addtobidlist@constructconnect.com.




Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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August 6, 2025


125 Symmes Dr, Manalapan, NJ

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RFQ Design - Professional Engineering Services for the Design of Boiler Replacements

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