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Published October 19, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for a laboratory facility in Raleigh, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the demolition of a laboratory facility; and for site work for a laboratory facility.

Amendment 01 is being issued to answer questions received. See Amendment 01 attached. This is a Request for Proposal for constructions services. The USDA, Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Southeast Area (SEA) Plant Science Facility located in Raleigh, NC., has a requirement to demolish and replace the 14'x36' modular office building and associated decking/access ramp structure. The work includes but is not limited to: The Contractor shall furnish a technical and cost proposal to supply all materials, labor, equipment, and supervision necessary to demolish and replace the 14'x36' modular office building and associated decking/access ramp structure. The project is located at the USDA, ARS, Plant Science Research, 3127 Ligon Street, Raleigh, NC 27607. The solicitation number is 12405B24R0029 and is issued as a request for quotation (RFP). The NAICS code is 236220 with a size standard of $45.0 M. Contractors shall not directly contact the facility to discuss this requirement. During the solicitation phase, contractors will be provided the opportunity for a site visit and to ask any relevant questions. Contractors are required to be actively registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) prior to submitting a proposal. You can register on- line at www.sam.gov. If you are already registered and your registration has expired, you will need to go the SAM website and update your information. Please refer to Section L.9 (b) of the attached Clauses and Provisions for site visit information. the estimated price range is between $25,000 and $100,000. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. Description of Work: a. Background - The existing modular office was installed in 2007 and is an approximately 14' wide by 36ft long 500 sq. ft. modular office building used as the facilities office and workshop. The building was moved approximately 50ft to make way for road construction in 2023; new footings and access structures were installed as part of the relocation project. In 2024, the office roof, ceiling, and several rafters were damaged by a falling tree branch and the building was determined unsuitable for continued use. b. The objective of this project is to furnish materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to replace the current modular office building. Work will include removing the existing modular office associated walkways/access ramps and replacing it, in kind, using this Statement of Work as the controlling document for the work. c. The major items of work are listed in the following task list: 1. Prepare modular office for demolition/removal from site; disconnect electrical service and ethernet wiring. 2. Remove and dispose of the existing modular building. 3. Remove and dispose of existing access ramp, walkways, stairs to extents necessary. These were installed in 2023; if compatible with replacement modular building, they can left in place to serve as access points for the replacement building. 4. Furnish and install new modular building and any necessary electrical, structural, foundation work as necessary to comply with this document and state, local, and national standards. 5. Replace access ramp, walkways, stairs with structure of similar material and design as existing structure. 6. Reconnect new modular building to electrical and ethernet wiring.The Contractor shall be responsible to handle and dispose of debris at an off-site, certified disposal site consistent with all Local, State, and Federal requirements. All questions pertaining to this solicitation, including questions that arise during the site visit, must be submitted to huron.virden@usda.gov




Public - Federal

Demolition, Site Work

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3127 Ligon St, Raleigh, NC

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