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Published September 18, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for an educational facility in West Springfield, Massachusetts. Conceptual plans call for site work for a educational facility.

Reference Number 0000358533 The Town of West Springfield is seeking proposals from qualified firms to develop design and construction documents for the replacement of the West Springfield Middle School track located at 31 Middle School Dr, West Springfield, MA 01089. The work will include redesigning the existing track to meet current and future needs of the Town and School athletic department, working with MassDEP in the permitting process throughout the project duration, developing construction documents and construction administration. The proposal must include the certificate of non-collusion form, tax compliance certificate, proposal pricing sheet, non-price proposal form, and project list. Any questions concerning this RFP must be sent by 4:00 pm on August 12, 2024 to Jaime Flores, Procurement Administrator at jflores@tows.org. The technical/non-price proposal must contain the following: Letter of Proposal and Commitment: This letter should identify the firm and key staff who will be working on the project, and commit them for the duration of the project, if selected. The letter should also state that the firm has read and understands the requirements of the RFP. This letter must be signed by a duly authorized official of the appropriate firm. Qualifications: This refers to the ability of the proposer to meet the terms of the RFP and should include at least three examples of projects (with contact information for lead client staff contact of such projects) completed within the past five years that will confirm the proposer's expertise in providing comprehensive planning services. Examples must be specific to the key staff identified in (1) and be at or near completion at the time of submitting the RFP. Methodology and Approach: Provide a comprehensive description of proven methods and plans for carrying out the Project Scope as detailed above. Philosophical approach to individual and teamwork should be considered as a part of this request. Additional Items: Include all other pertinent information regarding this RFP, particularly anything that the proposer feels addresses why its business or team would be a good match for this project. Schedule: Proposer shall submit a preliminary timeline of dates and schedule for the planning process including, but not limited to, start date, proposed end date, proposed meeting dates, draft product dates, etc. This contract will be awarded only to a responsive and responsible bidder whose proposal meets all of the requirements in the specifications. The contract shall be awarded by the Chief Procurement Officer, which reserves the right to waive any informalities, to accept or reject, in part or in whole, any and all proposals or to take whatever action may be deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of West Springfield. Bids will remain firm for sixty (60) days following the opening of proposals.




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August 27, 2025


31 Middle School Dr, West Springfield, MA

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