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Published July 31, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Prescott, Arizona. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

Bid submission details : Submittals shall be sealed and plainly marked DESIGN BUILD CONSTRUCTION SERVICES: SOLICITATION NO. CI0111 HEALTH DEPARTMENT RENOVATIONS. This is a qualifications-based selection process as authorized by A.R.S. 34-603. Based on the criteria established in this RFQ, an evaluation committee will issue a Request for Proposals and then award a contract to the firm who provides the highest benefit for the public that meet all technical and statutory requirements. Costs will only be considered as authorized by A.R.S. 34-603. Acknowledgement of any addenda issued will be required for submittals to be valid. Questions or requests for clarification may be submitted via U.S. mail or e-mail to Yavapai County Facilities and Capital Improvements, 1128 Commerce Drive, Prescott, AZ 86305, or CapitalProjects@yavapaiaz.gov. No telephonic questions will be accepted. Yavapai County will not be responsible for submittals that are not marked appropriately, submitted after the deadline, and/or sent/delivered to the wrong address. Yavapai County reserves the right to reject any or all submittals, to cancel any acceptance of submittals before a contract is executed, to waive formal deficiencies, and to accept the submittal deemed to be in the best interest of the County. The following Scope of Services is a minimum and may include additional services as negotiated. Construction Services include Design, Pre-Construction and Construction. The overall intent of this project is to improve the reception of clients, improve the traffic flow for clients, increase the clinic capacity, improve the clinic configuration, as well as adding meeting and office space to support the growing Health Department. The Contractor shall: a) Develop a work plan with all tasks including and not limited to: data collection, site utilization, design milestone phases with their activities and dates, task responsibilities, required timeframes, and estimates of required timeframes. b) Attend Project kickoff meetings, the first of which shall be for the purpose of consulting in detail with County staff to discuss status, review plans and other documents, understand all requirements including, but not limited to any design, construction, scheduling, budget, operational needs, restrictions, and requirements. Key project team members will be introduced. Roles and responsibilities reviewed. Pertinent information identified. c) Provide feedback/input and assessment for site utilization and construction logistics as depicted in the schematic design. d) Work closely and cooperatively with the County, Owners Representative, Civil Site Engineer, Commissioning Agent, Geotechnical/Environmental/Inspection and Testing consultant, Stakeholders and Architect throughout Project. Assist, review, coordinate and cooperate as a project team participant. e) Provide a written Quality Assurance program that includes both preconstruction and construction phases. The program shall include both aspects of QA and QC measures. f) Attend on-site local meetings at design milestones and all other, pre-construction meetings as scheduled by the County, Owners Representative, Architect or Civil Engineer. g) The design will be developed in Revitt and provided to the Contractor for BIM utilization. h) Perform specific services throughout the project to assist, review, coordinate, and cooperate with the Commissioning Agent. Participate in development of the Commissioning Plan and defining Contractor roles and responsibilities during preconstruction and construction. i) 3.1 Provide written minutes of all Contractor led meetings for issuance to all attendees within two (2) days of meetings. a. Include and manage Architects, Engineering, and other Consultants to ensure a complete design build for the Health Department renovations. Complete design build shall meet all Owners Project Requirements (OPR). OPR include and are not limited to: all Codes, necessities defined by Authorities having Jurisdiction, limitation of utilities or physical space, acoustical concerns, and Air quality improvements.




Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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To Be Determined, Prescott, AZ

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