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Published October 23, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Nashua, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; and water / sewer project.

**As of October 1, 2024, project not yet awarded.** The City of Nashua, Division of Public Works, is seeking sealed bids for the construction of the Phase IV, Stage I Expansion at the Four Hills Landfill, 840 West Hollis Street, in Nashua, New Hampshire. Phase IV, Stage I is a socalled "valley fill" landfill that will overlap portions of the closed, unlined MSW landfill, and the active, double-lined Phase I-II-III landfill. The scheduled work includes, but is not limited to, site preparation, landfill liner base grade preparation and earthwork, installing an overlay leak detection liner over the closed, unlined landfill, installing a double high density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic liner system to be fused with the Phase I-II-III landfill liners, installing new leachate collection piping and modifying existing leachate collection piping, modifying/decommissioning landfill gas wells and vacuum lines, decommissioning groundwater monitoring wells, and installing and constructing storm water control infrastructure. Project will begin once a written "Notice to Proceed" is issued, estimated date of issuance is October 2024. Completion times for the project will be as follows: 320 consecutive calendar days for substantial completion. 340 consecutive calendar days for final completion. Question Deadline 08/16/2024 at 12:00 PM ET Inquiries must be submitted in writing, citing the IFB title/number, Page, Section, and must be received to: City of Nashua 229 Main Street, Room 11, Nashua, NH 03060 purchasing@nashuanh.gov. Bidder Questions Answers Posted Friday, August 23, 2024, at 3:00pm Liquidated damages of $500 for each working day will be assessed for delays beyond the established dates for substantial completion and final completion. A bid guarantee from each bidder equivalent to 5% of the bid price. The "bid guarantee" must consist of a firm commitment such as a bid bond, certified check, or other negotiable instrument accompanying a bid as assurance that the bidder will, upon acceptance of the bid, execute such contractual documents as may be required within the time specified. Payment & Performance Bond: Successful Bidder shall furnish Performance and Payment Bonds, each in an amount at least equal to the Contract Price, as security for the faithful performance and payment of all obligations under the Contract Documents. Bids must be submitted in the format provided and address the items specified in this request. The City may reject any or all of the bids on any basis and without disclosure of a reason. The failure to make such a disclosure shall not result in accrual of any right, claim or cause of action by any unsuccessful bidder against The City. The City reserves the right to waive any irregularities when the public interest will be served thereby. The City also reserves the right to negotiate any change or amendment in any bid without soliciting further requests for bids if the action is necessary for the best interest of The City.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work





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