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Published October 11, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work and renovation of a civil project in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The principal features of the work to be performed under this Contract will consist of the following: o Installation of concrete pad; o Installation 8,800 gallon Magnesium Hydroxide Storage Tank, mechanical mixer, and associate piping and appurtenances, including but not limited to, FRP ladder, fill line, fill station, suction line, level and control panels; o Installation of 8,800 gallon Micro C storage tank and associate piping and appurtenances, including but not limited to, FRP ladder, fill line, fill station, suction line, level and control panels; o Installation of 8x8 FRP Building and associated appurtenances; o Installation Magnesium Hydroxide Pump skid with associated piping and appurtenances, including but not limited to, suction and discharge piping, valves, and pipe supports; o Installation of heat tracing and insulation of Magnesium Hydroxide suction and discharge piping; o Installation of Micro C pump skid with associated piping and appurtenances, including but not limited to, suction and discharge piping, valves, and pipe supports; o Installation of yard hydrant; o Installation of nitrate sensor; o Site work; o Equipment and system testing. All questions regarding the bid documents or for project information shall be submitted to Andrew Pursell, P.E. in writing at The last day to submit questions is close of business August 28, 2024. For questions regarding the bid documents or project information, please contact Andrew Pursell, P.E., at his office phone (732) 584-0441 or at All applicable surety bonds required in connection with the advertisement and award of building contracts or sub agreements must be written by a surety company listed on the Federal Treasury List (Department Circular 570 - Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds), incorporated herein by reference. C BID SECURITY: A person bidding on a contract for the erection, alteration or repair of a public building, structure, facility or other improvement to real property, the total price of which exceeds $100,000, shall furnish a guarantee as provided for herein. A contracting unit may provide that a person bidding on any other contract, advertised in accordance with law, shall furnish a guarantee as provided for herein. The guarantee shall be payable to the contracting unit so that if the contract is awarded to the bidder, the bidder will enter into a contract therefore and will furnish any performance bond or other security required as a guarantee or indemnification. The guarantee shall be in the amount of 10% of the bid, but not in excess of $20,000.00, except as otherwise provided herein, and may be given, at the option of the bidder, by certified check, cashier's check or bid bond. In the event that any law or regulation of the United States imposes any condition upon the awarding of a monetary grant to any contracting unit, which condition requires the depositing of a guarantee in an amount other than 10% of the bid or in excess of $20,000.00 the provisions of this section shall not apply and the requirements of the law or regulation of the United States shall govern. The bid security shall be retained by the Authority until the Contract for the Work has been executed. Bid bonds will be returned or written notice of release will be given to the unsuccessful Bidders, with the exception of the second qualifying Bidder, at such time as their bids are rejected. In the event the successful Bidder is unable to execute the Contract, for whatever reason, the Authority may exercise its legal prerogatives, including, but not limited to, enforcement of its rights as to the bid security. CONSENT OF SURETY: Certificate from a Surety Company is required indicating consent to be bound as surety and guarantor for performance required under the Contract Documents. BID SUBMISSION PROCEDURES: Bids must be submitted on the Bid Form contained in the Contract Documents and must be enclosed in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside with the name of project and the name and address of the Bidder. The Bid must be delivered to the Owner prior to the Bid Opening at the above address for submitting Bids. CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION: Bidders are required to be registered by the New Jersey Department of Labor at the time bids will be received by the Project Owner pursuant to the Public Works Contractor Registration Act (P.L. 2003, c. 91, N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.51). Effective September 1, 2004, Bidders are also required to be registered by the New Jersey Department of Treasury, Division of Revenue at the time bids will be received by the Project owner pursuant to the Business Registration Act (P.L.2004, c.57, N.J.S.A.52:32-44). Question Deadline 08/28/2024 STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS: Bidders are required to comply with applicable statutory requirements set forth in the Contract Documents including the requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31, et seq. & N.J.A.C. 17:27-1.1, et seq. (Affirmative Action); P.L. 1963, c. 150 (Prevailing Wage); Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101, et seq.); and P.L.2004, c.19 & P.L.2005, c.271 (Pay to Play). Doc notes: Copies of this document may be obtained from the Department. REJECTION OF BIDS: Berkeley Heights Township reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, or to waive any bid defect where such defect is not detrimental to the best interest of the Berkeley Heights Township and fairness of the bidding process. The right is also reserved to increase or decrease the quantities specified in the manner designated in the Contract Documents.
Water / Sewer
Public - City
Renovation, Site Work
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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29 Snyder Ave, Berkeley Heights, NJ
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