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Published October 15, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Merrillville, Indiana. Working plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

** As of 10/15/2024 bids will rebid due to pricing. No definite date for rebid.** The Town of Merrillville Stormwater Management Utility (Utility) and the Merrillville Conservancy District (MCD) are the Owners ("Owners") of the Southmoor Park Stormwater Drainage Improvements and Sanitary Sewer Extension Project ( Project ). The Project is an Indiana Public Work Project governed by Ind. Code 36-1-12-1 et seq. The Project will consist of all work and materials associated with extending storm sewers and sanitary sewers to a portion of the Southmoor Park Subdivision in the vicinity of West 78th Avenue and West 79th Avenue in Merrillville, Indiana. A bid security in the form of a cashier's check, money order, certified check or Bid Bond issued by a corporate surety payable without conditions to the "Merrillville Conservancy District" and "Merrillville Stormwater Management in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the Total Bid Price shall be submitted with each Contractor's Bid Proposal. This bid security will serve as a guarantee that if a Contractor's Bid Proposal is accepted by the Project Owners a contractual Agreement will beThe Town of Merrillville Stormwater Management Utility (Utility) and the Merrillville Conservancy District (MCD) are the Owners ("Owners") of the Southmoor Park Stormwater Drainage Improvements and Sanitary Sewer Extension Project ( Project ). The Project is an Indiana Public Work Project governed by Ind. Code 36-1-12-1 et seq. The Project will consist of all work and materials associated with extending storm sewers and sanitary sewers to a portion of the Southmoor Park Subdivision in the vicinity of West 78th Avenue and West 79th Avenue in Merrillville, Indiana. A bid security in the form of a cashier's check, money order, certified check or Bid Bond issued by a corporate surety payable without conditions to the "Merrillville Conservancy District" and "Merrillville Stormwater Management in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the Total Bid Price shall be submitted with each Contractor's Bid Proposal. This bid security will serve as a guarantee that if a Contractor's Bid Proposal is accepted by the Project Owners a contractual Agreement will be entered into by the Project Owners and Contractor and the performance of the contractual Agreement and other bid requirements will be properly secured. The bid securities of all bidders, except the security submitted with the lowest acceptable bid, will be returned within thirty (30) days following the time of receipt of the bids. The bid security of the lowest acceptable Contractor's Bid Proposal will be returned on request after the Project Owners have made an award to the successful bidder, after the successful bidder and Project Owners enter a formal Agreement providing for construction of the Project, and after the successful bidder delivers to the Project Owners a satisfactory Payment Bond, Performance Bond, Certificate of Insurance, and other items required by the Instructions to Bidders. The Payment Bond and Performance Bond provided shall be equal to the total contract amount. Project Location: Southmoor Park Subdivision Madison St. & W. 78th Ave. Merrillville, IN 46410 Such written request must be received not later than four (4) days (96 hours) prior to the deadline for submitting bids. The person submitting the request shall be responsible for its prompt delivery to the Project Engineer. All requests for information should be sent to the Project Engineer, Robert Csanyi, Project Manager, email: bcsanYi@reltd.com All Contractor Bid Proposals shall include a fully prepared and executed "Contractor's Bid for Public Work Form No. 96" and other documents required by the Contract Documents. The Project Owners reserve the right to reject all Contractor Bid Proposals and to waive any minor informalities or irregularities in the Bid Proposals received. The Owners will approve the lowest responsive Bid Proposal from a responsible Contractor entered into by the Project Owners and Contractor and the performance of the contractual Agreement and other bid requirements will be properly secured. The bid securities of all bidders, except the security submitted with the lowest acceptable bid, will be returned within thirty (30) days following the time of receipt of the bids. The bid security of the lowest acceptable Contractor's Bid Proposal will be returned on request after the Project Owners have made an award to the successful bidder, after the successful bidder and Project Owners enter a formal Agreement providing for construction of the Project, and after the successful bidder delivers to the Project Owners a satisfactory Payment Bond, Performance Bond, Certificate of Insurance, and other items required by the Instructions to Bidders. The Payment Bond and Performance Bond provided shall be equal to the total contract amount. All Contractor Bid Proposals shall include a fully prepared and executed "Contractor's Bid for Public Work Form No. 96" and other documents required by the Contract Documents. The Project Owners reserve the right to reject all Contractor Bid Proposals and to waive any minor informalities or irregularities in the Bid Proposals received. The Owners will approve the lowest responsive Bid Proposal from a responsible Contractor Document info : Copies of the Contractor's Bid Proposal Package, including the Plans and Specifications, required for review and bidding purposes may be obtained from MCD's office. Contract Document Holders of Record are entities or individuals who obtain from MCD a complete Contractor's Bid Proposal Package for the Project, including the Plans and Specifications prepared by the Project Engineer. MCD will provide all Contract Document Holders with a USB flash drive containing a pdf copy of the Contractor's Bid Proposal Package, including the Plans and Specifications. The Project Owners will only consider Bid Proposals for the Project that are submitted by Contract Document Holders of Record.

Final Planning

Water / Sewer


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Site Work





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