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Site work for a water / sewer project in Greenville, Kentucky. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Wendell H. Ford Regional Training Center (WHFRTC) is on reclaimed strip-mine land. Cypress Creek is channelized and flows in a straight pattern through broad floodplains within the WHFRTC, resulting in the loss of diverse aquatic habitat complexes. The project will involve the relocation and restoration of +/- 49,770 linear feet of Cypress Creek and its tributaries using natural channel design principles. The objective of this project is to establish a stable, natural stream pattern and dimension to restore the existing degraded habitat, altered primary physical processes, and destabilized in-stream conditions. Question Deadline 09/02/2024 All questions regarding the meaning or interpretation of the bidding documents shall be directed in writing to the purchasing officer. Unless otherwise specified in the Solicitation, questions received less than ten (10) calendar days prior to the date for receipt of bids may not be answered. Account No: C8VP-95-WH10-00 The Wendell H. Ford Regional Training Center (WHFRTC) is on reclaimed strip-mine land. Cypress Creek is channelized and flows in a straight pattern through broad floodplains within the WHFRTC, resulting in the loss of diverse aquatic habitat complexes. The project will involve the relocation and restoration of +/- 49,770 linear feet of Cypress Creek and its tributaries using natural channel design principles. The objective of this project is to establish a stable, natural stream pattern and dimension to restore the existing degraded habitat, altered primary physical processes, and destabilized in-stream conditions. Because of the size and scope of the project, construction will be accomplished in eight (8) phases following a logical sequence of work. Phase 2 of the project involves the restoration of 9,000 linear feet of stream and the treatment of 300 acres of invasive plant species. Work will include, but is not limited to, excavation of proposed channels and floodplains; construction of in-stream structures and bank treatments; reshaping of existing channels; preparation of seedbeds; installation of erosion control blanket and mulch; culvert replacement; application of herbicide using an unmanned aerial vehicle; and installation of native seeds, trees, shrubs, and live stakes. Grading and shaping may also occur within the floodplains adjacent to project streams to facilitate the storage and/or transport of floodwaters. The pollutant of concern is sediment associated with earth disturbance during stream restoration construction. This SWPPP provides a description of the erosion and sediment control BMPs that are planned to reduce or eliminate erosion, transport, and deposition of sediment in surface waters, specifically Cypress Creek and unnamed tributaries. All questions are due to consultant by close of business August 30, 2024. Questions should be emailed to Casey Mattingly, PE, Third Rock Consultants, LLC (859) 977-2000.


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work





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September 11, 2024

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St-1000-10, Greenville, KY

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