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Site work for a water / sewer project in Jemez Springs, New Mexico. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

This project is funded in whole or part by funds made available under State of New Mexico Department of Environment Fund 89200 Capital Appropriation. Project SAP 22-G2352-STB. Sealed Bids in one (1) clearly labeled unbound original, and one (1) paper copy subject to the conditions set forth in the Instructions to Bidders and in the other Solicitation Documents, Subject line of the email must contain the following information: RESPONSE - IFB25-19 NM State Rd 4 - 16" Water Transmission Line Replacement - Fiber Conduit Installation. No Bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids. All forms of bribes, gratuities, and kickbacks are prohibited by state law. Bid security in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid must accompany the bid. Such cash, certified checks or bid bonds will be returned to all except the three finalist bidders within three days after the opening of bids. The remaining cash, checks and bid bonds will be returned promptly after the County and the accepted Bidder have executed the contract, or if no award has been made within sixty (60) days after the date of the opening of bids, upon demand of the bidder at any time thereafter, so long as Bidder has not been notified of the acceptance of Bidder's bid. In submitting their Bid Bond, it is not mandatory that Bidders use the Bid Bond form provided in the packet. The County strongly encourages all Contractors to use this form, but if the contractor elects not to use it, the Bid Bond must be submitted on a form acceptable in the construction industry and approved by the County Project Manager in advance of the bid due date. Question Deadline 09/05/2024 Questions and interpretations of the bid shall be addressed to: Michelle Martinez Department of Public Utilities 1000 Central Avenue, Suite 130 Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544 Phone Number: 505-709-5085 Email: Any questions must be received in writing at least six (6) days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids. The County reserves the right to issue addenda to the solicitation documents including construction specifications and plans during the advertising period as provided in the solicitation documents. Bidders are responsible for determining if any addenda have been issued. The terms, bid and solicitation are interchangeable. Also, the terms of the contract and agreement are interchangeable. Scope of Work includes but is not limited to the following: This Project consists of three segments of work along NM-4 to replace approximately 16,014 linear feet of 16" concrete cylinder pipe with 16" D.I.P. for the water transmission line and replaced 2,337 linear feet of 12" D.I.P. waterline, combination air valves, install 12" and 16' gate valves, and fire hydrant assembly. Some asphalt replacement to match existing thickness in some portions where pipe enters existing roadway. Preparation and execution of Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan and in accordance with the NPDES Stormwater Construction General Permit requirements. All final stabilization shall be by hydroseeded. Work includes all grading, excavation, fill, backfill, and trenching identified in the plans, specifications and shall be performed in accordance with the criteria established in the plans and Los Alamos County Standard Specifications. Final clean-up and site restoration per the plans and specifications. Below describes the three segments of work along State Road 4.

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Water / Sewer


Public - County

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September 17, 2024

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NM-4, Jemez Springs, NM

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