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Published August 15, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Laconia, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

The City of Laconia Parks and Recreation Department is seeking proposals from qualified vendors capable of providing basketball and tennis court reconditioning. The selected vendor must provide all materials, equipment and labor required to accomplish the work at the minimum specifications listed below and in accordance with application procedures specified by material manufacturers. Site #1 - Wyatt Park Basketball Courts Location: The basketball court is located at Wyatt Park, 22 Champlin Street, Laconia, NH 03246. 1. Remove any vegetation, clean the cracks and the entire surface with compressed air and/or pressure washer. 2. Fill and level all structural cracks and hairline cracks with appropriate repair material. 3. Provide the court area with appropriate resurfacing material. The texture coat must contain the proper amount of sand to provide a tough wearing base. The topcoat must contain the proper amount of green pigment to cover the entire court and give a long-lasting attractive surface. 4. Apply textured regulation white lines for two basketball courts, including a three-point field goal arc, key, half court line, and center circle. The court is not regulation size and the three point field goal arc can be modified to best fit the court. 5. Clean up the general work area. Site #2 - Tardif Park Tennis Court Location: The tennis courts are located at Tardif Park, 51 Crecent Street, Laconia, NH 03246. 1. Remove any vegetation, clean the cracks and the entire surface with compressed air and/or pressure washer. 2. Remove two current basketball posts and install new regulation size posts and backboards with rims and nets. Repair any damage caused by this process. 3. Fill and level all structural cracks and hairline cracks with appropriate repair material. 4. Provide the area with appropriate resurfacing material. The texture coat must contain the proper amount of sand to provide a tough wearing base. The topcoat must contain the proper amount of green pigment to cover the entire court and give a long-lasting attractive surface. 5. Apply textured regulation white tennis lines, yellow pickle ball lines and red basketball (basketball keys only) lines. 6. Clean up the general work area Site #3 - Leavitt Park Basketball Courts Location: The basketball court is located at Leavitt Park, 334 Elm Street, Laconia, NH 03246. 1. Remove any vegetation, clean the cracks and the entire surface with compressed air and/or pressure washer. 2. Fill and level all structural cracks and hairline cracks with appropriate repair material. 3. Provide the court area with appropriate resurfacing material. The texture coat must contain the proper amount of sand to provide a tough wearing base. The topcoat must contain the proper amount of green pigment to cover the entire court and give a long-lasting attractive surface. 4. Apply textured white lines for two basketball courts, including a three-point field goal arc, key, half court line, and center circle. The court may not be regulation size and the three point field goal arc can be modified to best fit the court. 5. Clean up general work area. Insurance : The selected firm will be expected to provide a certificate of insurance satisfactory to the City of Laconia for General Liability and Workers Compensation. Performance and Payment Bonds When a construction or service contract is awarded in excess of $25,000.00 performance and payment bonds, satisfactory to the City and executed by a surety company authorized to do business in New Hampshire, are required in the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the price specified in the contract for the full term of the contract Please direct any questions to: Gina Mastine , purchasing Specialist, City of Laconia, 603-524-3877 ,gmastine@laconianh.gov Amy Lovisek, Director of Recreation & Facilities, City of Laconia, 603-524-5046, alovisek@laconia.nh.us The City of Laconia reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all proposals or any part thereof, to waive any formality in the process, and to accept the proposal considered to be in the best interest of the City. Failure to submit all information called for may be sufficient grounds for disqualification. The City of Laconia reserves the right to cancel this request at any time for any reason.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Laconia, NH

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