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Published November 23, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving, outdoor lighting and new construction of a civil project in Bolivar Peninsula, Texas. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project; for outdoor lighting for a water / sewer project; for the construction of a bridge / tunnel; bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

HNTB Project No. 57947 Scope of work: 1 Contractor to construct the concrete fishing pier in its entirety. Drive pile, CIP caps (or precast alternate), CIP diaphragms, CIP notch's, CIP bollards, CIP Decking, Install expansion joints covers, install timber decking and rail. 2 Fish cleaning station, benches, trash receptacles to be completed by others. 3 Installation of metal bait shop building to be completed by others. Installation of metal building anchorage to CIP deck slab to be included in decking price, anchorage requirement shall be provided by metal building manufacturer. 4 Electrical/water/sewer to be installed by others on Pier, contractor shall provide/coordinate access for utility contractor to install. If CIP insert required, these shall be furnished to contractor. 5 Recessed lighting conduits for bollards to be installed by others. Contractors shall coordinate with electrical subcontractor. 6 PDA monitoring to be provided by others, contractor to coordinate with sub contractor. 7 Outside engineering pricing for precast alternate has been received by CMAR. Contractor can elect to utilize this proposed pricing if choose to submit precast alternative or provide their own engineering. Proposed cost = $65,000 - 8-12 weeks timeline. Preliminary engineers shows precast caps will be wider than plan due to pile batter tolerances. Outside engineering cost to be included in the precast caps price. 8 Contractor to provide all required survey work to required work, permeant and temporary. 9 Work bridge/trestle piles can be sacrificial, if leaving in place must be cut off 3' below seafloor. 10 Work bridge/trestle/temporary scaffolding should be limited to the minimum necessary footprint and within the immediate vicinity of the permanent pier. 11 Lump sum/Each items to be paid by percent completion as work is complete, percent breakdown to be provided by contractor to CMAR. 12 One access north and one access south of the SH 87 bridge will be provided by CMAR, contractor to maintain his work area 13 Staging area is within Property line on land/beach. Contractor shall coordinate staging with CMAR to allow for site access or concurrent sitework/utility work to progress. 14 Maintain access for homeowner on Bauer Rd. Contractor to coordinate with homeowner is any impediments are required. 15 All hardware/materials required to be included in items. IE Timber railing, Timber Decks & rebar. 16 Hook bars in the piles are to exposed thru breaking need to be maintained and not damaged. Per engineers this is critical due to the wave forces. 17 Contractor to provide all quality control inspection for scope of work. 18 Provide number of calendar day for scope of work. Day to include precurement of materials. There is a HUB Goal for this procurement of 23.7% of the total contract value. We request all proposers to actively participate in helping us achieve this goal. This project will not be awarded to the lowest price but to the best value as determined by the project team.


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Outdoor Lighting, Paving, Site Work




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967 Bauer St, Bolivar Peninsula, TX

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