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Published September 13, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Topeka, Kansas. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The deadline for questions to the Procurement Officer noted above is on September 6, 2024. Fa116 E 6th Avenue City, State, Zipilure to notify the Procurement Officer (Event Contact) of any conflicts or ambiguities in the Bid Event may result in items being resolved in the best interest of the State. Any modification to this Bid Event as a result of the pre-proposal conference, as well as written answers to written questions, shall be made in writing by addendum and dispatched to all bidders associated to this event. Only written communications are binding. Answers to questions will be available in the form of an addendum on the Procurement and Contracts' website. Questions requesting clarification of the Bid Event must be submitted electronically (MS Word) to the Procurement Officer (Event Contact) indicated above prior to close of business on September 6, 2024. Impromptu questions may be permitted and spontaneous unofficial answers provided, however bidders should understand that the only official answer or position of the State of Kansas will be presented in writing. Questions requesting clarification of the bid event must be submitted in WRITING to the Procurement Officer prior to the close of business on September 06, 2024 to the following address: Ashley Evans Telephone: 7852968107 Facsimile: 785-296-7240 E-Mail Address: ashley.n.evans@ks.gov Kansas Department of Administration Procurement and Contracts 900 SW Jackson, Suite 451-South Topeka, KS 66612-1286 It shall be the responsibility of all participating bidders to acquire any and all addenda and additional information as it is made available from the web site cited above. Vendors/Bidders not initially invited to participate in this Bid Event must notify the Procurement Officer (Event Contact) of their intent to bid at least 24 hours prior to the event's closing date/time. Bidders are required to check the website periodically for any additional information or instructions. MANDATORY REQUIREMENT: If you are interested in bidding on this transaction you MUST BE OFFICIALLY INVITED to the event. Contact the person named above at least 24 HOURS BEFORE the official finish date and time to request the official invitation. Due to State of Kansas SMART Strategic Sourcing System requirements, any bidder with an interest in bidding on any State of Kansas SOURCING EVENT must officially request an invitation from the Procurement Officer (Event Contact) at least 24 hours before the Bid Event official finish date and time. If you fail to request such in a timely fashion, your bid may be rejected in its entirety. EXCEPTION: If you have received a Bid Event Document with your company's name in the upper right hand corner of the document, your company has already been invited to the bid event. If you are not a registered bidder/vendor with the state of Kansas you must register as a bidder AND request official invitation at least 24 hours before the Bid Event official finish date and time. BIDDER MUST OBTAIN A CURRENT TAX CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE A "Tax Clearance" is a comprehensive tax account review to determine and ensure that the account is compliant with all primary Kansas Tax Laws administered by the Kansas Department of Revenue (KDOR) Director of Taxation. Information pertaining to a Tax Clearance is subject to change(s), which may arise as a result of a State Tax Audit, Federal Revenue Agent Report, or other lawful adjustment(s). INSTRUCTIONS: To obtain a Current Tax Clearance Certificate, you must: o Go to http://ksrevenue.org/taxclearance.html to request a Tax Clearance Certificate o Return to the website the following working day to see if KDOR will issue the certificate o If issued an official certificate, print it and attach it to your bid response o If denied a certificate, engage KDOR in a discussion about why a certificate wasn't issued Bidders (and their subcontractors) are expected to submit a current Tax Clearance Certificate with every event response. REMINDER: You will need to sign back into the KDOR website to view and print the official tax clearance certificate. Procurement and Contracts reserves the right to confirm tax status of all potential contractors and subcontractors prior to the release of a purchase order or contract award. In the event that a current tax certificate is unavailable, Procurement and Contracts reserves the right to notify a bidder (one that has submitted a timely event response) that they have to provide a current Tax Clearance Certificate within ten (10) calendar days, or Procurement and Contracts may proceed with an award to the next lowest responsive bidder, whichever is determined by the Director of Purchases to be in the best interest of the State. XML Bid Submission will NOT be accepted for this Bid Event. Bid Bond: A Bid Guaranty IS Required for this project: A bid guaranty in the amount of 5% of total amount bid shall be submitted by all bidders to ensure faithful performance with the conditions of this RFQ and/or ensuing award. A bid guaranty must be one of the following: (1) certified or cashier check or certificate of deposit payable to the State; or (2) a properly executed bond payable to the State. A check or certificate of deposit bid guaranty shall be returned after a vendor has entered into a binding contractual relationship with the State unless the guaranty shall serve as a performance guaranty. If the successful vendor fails or refuses to enter into a written agreement, the State shall retain as liquidated damages the bid guaranty. A check or certificate of deposit bid guaranty of an unsuccessful vendor will be returned after a contract is executed with the successful vendor. Performance Bond: The Successful Bidder shall file with the Director of Purchases a Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the price bid as security for the faithful performance of this contract and as security for the payment of all persons performing labor and furnishing materials in connection with this solicitation. The guaranty shall be returned to the Contractor upon the completion of this contract subject to total or partial forfeiture for failure to perform adequately the terms of this contract. If damages exceed the amount of the guaranty, the State may seek additional damages. Note: A Performance Bond is not required for Projects with a total price below $40,000.00 Necessary bond forms will be furnished by Procurement and Contracts and can be completed by any General Insurance Agent. Bonds shall be issued by a Surety Company licensed to do business in the State of Kansas. Public Works Bond: The Successful Bidder shall file with the Director of Purchases a Public Works Bond as required by K.S.A. 60-1111 in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of contract price and shall be filed with the Clerk of the District Court in the County where the project is being constructed. The guaranty shall be returned to the Contractor upon the completion of this contract subject to total or partial forfeiture for failure to perform adequately the terms of this contract. If damages exceed the amount of the guaranty, the State may seek additional damages. Note: A Public Works Bond is not required for Projects with a total price below $100,000.00. Necessary bond forms will be furnished by Procurement and Contracts and can be completed by any General Insurance Agent. Bonds shall be issued by a Surety Company licensed to do business in the State of Kansas.


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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September 12, 2024

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Multiple Locations, Topeka, KS

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